Service Animals on Campus Policy

Approval:  Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

Sponsor/Office of Accountability: Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)

Date initially approved: June 2021

Date of last revision: N/A


Advisors are:

  • Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) Accessibility Services Advisors who support students with disabilities and approve academic accommodation plans;
  • Human Resources Return to Work and Accommodation Services (HR) Advisors, who provide assistance for employees requiring access to a workplace accommodation;
  • The Human Rights Advisory Services Advisors who provide information and assistance regarding protections available under the Ontario Human Rights Code and related university policies.

Provider(s) are:

  • Members of the Queen鈥檚 community who provide access to goods, services, or facilities, or who organize events on behalf of the university.

A Handler is:

  • Defined as a person with a disability who uses a Service Animal to provide assistance with daily tasks. The handler may also be the owner.

An Owner:

  • Refers to the legal owner of a Service Animal. An owner may also be the handler.

Persons in Authority are:

  • Senior managers, unit/department heads, and supervisors responsible for the University鈥檚 living, learning, or working environment.

Guide Dog means:

  • A guide dog as defined in section 1 of the ; and,
  • A dog trained or receiving training as a guide for a blind person and having the qualifications prescribed by the regulations, including RRO .

Service Animals are:

  1. 鈥淕uide Dogs鈥 as defined by this Policy.
  2. Animals for a person with a disability, per , if:
  1. the animal can be readily identified as one that is being used by the person for reasons relating to the person鈥檚 disability, as a result of visual indicators such as the vest or harness worn by the animal; or
  2. the person provides documentation from one of the following regulated health professionals confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability:
    1. A member of the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario.
    2. A member of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario.
    3. A member of the College of Nurses of Ontario.
    4. A member of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario.
    5. A member of the College of Optometrists of Ontario.
    6. A member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
    7. A member of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario.
    8. A member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario.
    9. A member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario.

  • It has been recognized that a Service Animal may or may not be trained or certified by a recognized disability-related organization. ()

  • Therapy, emotional support, and comfort animals qualify as Service Animals under this Policy if the animal meets the Service Animal definition found in and documentation from one of the regulated health professionals listed in the Service Animal definition above is provided to confirm that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to their disability.

Disability means:

鈥淒isability鈥 defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code as:

(a) any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device,

(b) a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability,

(c) a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language,

(d) a mental disorder, or

(e) an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997; (鈥渉andicap鈥)


To assist the University, Handlers, Owners, Providers and Persons in Authority to understand the responsibilities and requirements of utilizing Service Animals on campus to ensure persons with disabilities who rely on Service Animals are accommodated, subject to obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and to any legal limitations.


This Policy applies to:

  • Students, staff, faculty, members of governing bodies, volunteers, and visitors who use and/or supported by Service Animals.
  • All persons who provide goods, services, facilities, housing, employment, buildings, structures, and premises on behalf of the university.
  • All persons on property owned, leased or rented by 成人大片. Queen鈥檚 University owned housing units covered by the are exempt from this policy.

Policy Statement:

Queen鈥檚 is committed to:

  • The inclusion and accommodation of persons with disabilities. This includes the presence of Service Animals that assist students, staff, faculty, members of governing bodies, volunteers, and guests within all aspects of University life including Queen鈥檚-related functions both on and off campus.
  • Welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a Service Animal to ensure access to Queen鈥檚 University goods, services, facilities, housing, employment, buildings, structures, and premises.
  • The full inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in accordance with the Customer Service Standards, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005.
  1. Bringing Service Animals on Campus

In accordance with :

If a person with a disability is accompanied by a Guide Dog or other Service Animal, University Providers shall ensure that the person is permitted to enter the premises with the animal and to keep the animal with them, unless the animal is otherwise excluded from the premises, by law or under this Policy.

  1. Service Animals in Training on Campus

In support of accessibility, the University may allow Service Animals in training on campus. However, Service Animals in training are not approved to live in Residences until their training is complete. To request permission to bring a Service Animal in training to campus, please contact the Department of .

  1. Expectations Regarding Service Animal Behaviour

Owners/Handlers are responsible for ensuring that their Service Animals are in good health and are effectively controlled at all times while on University premises. For Owners/Handlers that are Queen鈥檚 students or employees, these expectations are further outlined in the 鈥楽ervice Animal Registration Package鈥.

  1. Conditions for Exclusions

A Service Animal may be excluded:

  • Where prohibited by law. For example, health and safety legislation, food handling laws may prohibit animals in specific locations and local by-laws or legislation may prohibit the owning or keeping of certain types of animals or breeds of dog.

  • When Owners/Handlers do not complete and sign all forms within the 鈥楽ervice Animal Registration Package鈥 or submit satisfactory supporting documentation to the appropriate Advisor demonstrating their requirement for a Service Animal to assist with their disability.
  • When the Service Animal is disruptive, and the Owner/Handler is not effectively controlling it;

  • When the presence of the Service Animal would fundamentally change the nature of the job, program, service or activity;
  • When the Service Animal鈥檚 presence, behaviour or actions pose an unreasonable or direct threat to property or to the health or safety of others. Risk may not be remote or speculative, such as thinking an animal might bite someone or will annoy others. If this is the case, a Provider should analyze all options for safely allowing the presence of the Service Animal. Allergies or a fear of animals are generally not sufficient conditions to exclude a Service Animal, although restrictions may be necessary to accommodate other persons with disabilities. Additional information on the Accessibility Hub: Best Practices for Service Animals on Campus.

  • In locations with health or safety restrictions or where their presence may compromise the integrity of research. Such restricted locations may include, but are not limited to, the following: food preparation areas, research laboratories, animal care facilities, classrooms with demonstration/research animals, wood shops and metal/machine rooms, and nuclear research areas.

  1. Steps to Follow When Service Animal Exclusion May Be Necessary

  1. In the event that the behaviour of a Service Animal is aggressive or threatening (e.g. lunging, baring teeth and growling, biting), the person with a concern should immediately contact Campus Security and Emergency Services for assistance and then the Department of Environmental Health and Safety for further investigation.
  2. In all other cases, in accordance with Section 4 of this policy, when there is genuine concern about the behaviour or presence of a Service Animal, the person with a concern should first attempt to resolve the matter by respectfully bringing the issue to the attention of the Owner/Handler.

Should attempts to speak directly with the Owner/Handler not be possible or do not resolve the matter, the person with a concern should bring the issue to the attention of the relevant Provider or to a Person in Authority capable of addressing the situation. In such cases, Providers and/or Persons in Authority are encouraged to consult with the Department of Environmental Health & Safety for advice. The Department of Environmental Health & Safety will contact QSAS and/or Housing & Ancillary Services (particularly where academic accommodations or campus Residences or Foodservice operations are involved) or Return to Work and Accommodation Services (particularly where employment accommodations are involved) as appropriate in determining next steps.

  1. Decisions to Exclude
  1. Exclusions are to be determined on an individualized basis. In making such determinations, consideration must be given to whether another reasonable accommodation can be provided.
  2. If the Service Animal is to be excluded, the Provider must explore accommodation alternatives that permit the Owner/Handler to participate in the activity or receive the service without the Service Animal on the premises.
  3. If the Owner/Handler decides to participate without the Service Animal, efforts must be made to reasonably accommodate the Owner/Handler.
  4. If a Service Animal has been excluded because of disruptive behaviour, the Owner/Handler must be allowed to participate in the activity with the Service Animal once the animal鈥檚 behavior is under control and pending the outcome of the investigation as described in Section 7.
  5. If a Service Animal is not permitted on or in a particular campus location or building due to health and safety legislation or requirements, the University will provide alternate support to permit access to goods and services or provide reasonable accommodation for the person with a disability.
  6. If a Service Animal is excluded by law from the premises, the Provider shall ensure that other measures are available to enable a person with a disability to obtain, use or benefit from the Provider鈥檚 goods, services or facilities.

  1. Service Animal Complaints/Appeal of a Decision to Exclude

Anyone who believes the requirements of this Policy have been violated may file a complaint with the Department of Environmental Health & Safety (ext. 32999 or 

The Department of Environmental Health & Safety shall investigate the complaint and will inform the Owner/Handler that an investigation is taking place. The investigation may include the Owner/Handler being asked to have the Service Animal鈥檚 behaviour and/or health verified by a party of the university鈥檚 choosing. The cost of this assessment will be covered by the University.

An investigation report containing the University鈥檚 findings and recommendations will be provided to the Owner/Handler. In situations where accommodations are required to be made available to the student/employee, QSAS and/or Return to Work and Accommodation Services (HR) will help identify alternative accommodations with the Owner/Handler and the University.

If the Owner/Handler is a student, they may appeal the investigation findings or the decision to exclude the Service Animal by filing an appeal with the Office of Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) by sending an email to with details of the reasons for an appeal. Any appeal must be filed within 10 business days after the date the Owner/Handler is notified of the results of the investigation.

If the Owner/Handler is an employee of the University, they may appeal the written decision to exclude the Service Animal through a formal grievance process (if they are a member of a bargaining unit) and/or through following the procedures outlined in the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response Policy or , if applicable.


Providers shall:

  • Educate themselves with respect to, and to comply with, their responsibilities under this Policy and to familiarize themselves with additional information on the Accessibility Hub: Best Practices for Service Animals on Campus.
  • Consult with appropriate university services, for example Campus Security and Emergency Services and the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, should concerns about Service Animal behaviour arise.

Owners/Handlers (Students and Employees) shall:

  • Educate themselves with respect to, and to comply with, their responsibilities under this Policy.
  • Register annually, complete and sign all forms within the 鈥楽ervice Animal Registration Package鈥 and submit to an Advisor in QSAS (students) or HR Return to Work and Accommodation (employee) in order to bring a Service Animal on University Property on an ongoing basis. Students and Employees who do not complete and sign the 鈥楽ervice Animal Registration Package鈥 are not permitted to bring the animal on campus. The Handler is required to submit satisfactory supporting documentation to the appropriate Advisor demonstrating their requirement for a Service Animal to assist with their disability.

Owners/Handlers (Visitors to campus) shall:

  • Educate themselves with respect to, and to comply with, their responsibilities under this Policy.

QSAS Advisors shall:

  • Register students with QSAS who require Service Animals for reason of a disability.
  • Receive and maintain documentation from qualified health care providers which verifies the student鈥檚 need for a Service Animal as an accommodation while on campus.
  • Verify that documentation and information on file at QSAS confirms the student鈥檚 need for a Service Animal as an accommodation while on campus.
  • Furnish students with an ID card and/or Letter of Accommodation confirming the student鈥檚 need for a Service Animal as an accommodation while on campus.
  • In collaboration with university stakeholders, provide supporting information (either formal or informal) when addressing complaints related to the student鈥檚 Service Animal as appropriate.
  • Advise students of this 鈥楽ervice Animals on Campus Policy鈥.

Human Resources 鈥 Return to Work and Accommodation Advisor shall:

  • Register employees who require Service Animals for reason of a disability.
  • Receive and maintain documentation from qualified health care providers who verify the employee鈥檚 need for a Service Animal as an accommodation at work.
  • Verify that documentation and information on file at Return to Work and Accommodation Services confirms the employee鈥檚 need for a Service Animal as an accommodation in the course of their employment.
  • Facilitate dialogue between the employee, the manager, Environmental Health and Safety, and the union representative, if applicable, to determine if the suggested accommodation is reasonable and feasible in the work environment.
  • Furnish employees with an ID card and/or Accommodation Plan confirming the employee鈥檚 need for a Service Animal as an accommodation while on campus.
  • Remove permission for Service Animal on campus after repeated deviations from the 鈥楬andler鈥檚 Agreement Form鈥 of the 鈥楽ervice Animal Registration Package鈥
  • Provide notification to Persons of Authority who may be impacted by the presence of an employee鈥檚 use of a Service Animal.
  • Advise employees of this 鈥楽ervice Animals on Campus Policy鈥.
  • Facilitate the employee鈥檚 involvement when addressing and resolving any complaints or issues related to an employee鈥檚 use of Service Animals on University property.

Department of Environmental Health & Safety shall:

  • Receive and have the authority to approve requests to bring Service Animals in Training on campus.
  • Maintain a record of Service Animal locations on campus.
  • Advise the University, Providers and/or Persons in Authority with regard to responsibilities under this Policy and the circumstances under which a decision to exclude a Service Animal may be made.
  • Respond to inquiries of concern regarding possible policy violations, consulting with QSAS and HR as needed regarding the administration on the accommodation.
  • Record all reported instances of violations of this Policy, with the specifics of the time, date and locations of the infraction as well as the name of the animal's Owner/Handler and their relationship with 成人大片 and forward to Campus Security and Emergency Services immediately.

Campus Security and Emergency Services shall:

  • Attend to situations where reports are made about aggressive/threatening Service Animal behaviour and forward these reports, with the specifics of the time, date and locations of the infraction as well as the name of the animal's Owner/Handler and their relationship with 成人大片, to appropriate University authorities, including the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.

Persons in Authority (Senior Managers, Unit/Department heads, and Supervisors) shall:

  • Educate themselves with respect to, and to comply with, their responsibilities under this Policy and to familiarize themselves with additional information on the Accessibility Hub: Best Practices for Service Animals on Campus.
  • Ensure that rights and responsibilities under this Policy are communicated to staff and/or faculty under their authority.
  • Consult with appropriate university services, for example Campus Security and Emergency Services, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, QSAS, Return to Work and Accommodation (HR) or Human Rights and Equity Office, should concerns about Service Animal behaviour arise.

Faculty Members and Academic Supervisors shall:

  • Ensure compliance with this Policy in their classrooms and laboratories.
  • Consult with appropriate University services, for example Campus Security and Emergency Services, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, QSAS, Return to Work and Accommodation (HR) or Human Rights and Equity Office, should concerns about Service Animal behaviour arise.

Queen鈥檚 Residences (regarding Service Animals) shall:

  • Direct students with Service Animals living in residence to QSAS for registration purposes. Direct Live-in staff members to Return to Work and Accommodation (HR) for registration purposes.
  • Advise students of this 鈥楽ervice Animals on Campus Policy鈥.
  • Work with the Department of Environmental Health & Safety and the student, with support from QSAS as appropriate, to resolve any issues stemming from the Service Animal鈥檚 presence in residence.
  • Due to the unique nature of living in residence (i.e. densely populated, community environment, 24/7 nature), Handlers are accountable to complete additional documentation provided through Housing and Ancillary Services.  Students living in residence are required to complete a Handler Agreement agreeing to specific expectations relating to the residence environment and are responsible to comply with the policies and provisions outlined in the Residence contract, the Residence Community Standards and the Residence Service Animal Guidelines (see ).

Human Rights & Equity Office shall:

  • Provide guidance to Advisors, Students, Departments, Providers, Supervisors, Managers, Directors, Unit Heads/Administrators, Faculty Members and campus support units where appropriate.
Contact Officer Accessibility Coordinator
Date for Next Review June, 2026
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Policies Superseded by this Policy