(Approved by the University Council May 2013, amended May 2014, November 2015, March 2017, November 2020, November 2022)
The By-laws of the University Council (the “Council”) are attached and consist of By-laws A through I. The following is a preamble to, but does not form a part of, these By-laws.
The Council was established by provincial statute in 1874 and confirmed by a federal statute in 1882. In 1973, the Council recommended that those who have rendered outstanding service to Queen's be recognized and in 1974 the first Distinguished Service Awards were presented.
The elective members of the Council are elected by and from among the alumni of the University in a manner provided for by the By-laws of the Council, which also provide for the annual retirement of the necessary number.
The Council annually elects two of its members to the Board of Trustees for three-year terms (“Council Trustees”). All regular members are eligible, including those in the final year of their term on Council.
The powers assigned to the Council by Statutes include:
- The power to take into consideration all questions affecting the well-being and prosperity of the University, and of making representations from time to time on such questions to the Board of Trustees and/or the Senate, who shall consider these representations and return to the Council their conclusions
- The power to frame and pass by-laws for the appointment and installation of the Chancellor; the election of a Rector by the students; and the election of Council Trustees by the University Council
- The power to frame and pass such by-laws as it deems necessary to carry out the powers and functions above.
University Councillors can assist in fulfilling these roles and responsibilities through:
- Performing ambassadorial and advocacy roles for Queen's and seeking to enhance the image and reputation of University Council and ˴Ƭ at every opportunity
- Being personally philanthropic to Queen’s University
- Remaining informed on matters of significant strategic importance to the University
- Serving on University and Board committees, task forces and advisory groups to discuss matters of importance to the prosperity and well-being of the University and providing advice regarding issues of strategic or emerging importance to the University
Table of Contents
- The Council
- Committees of the Council
- Elections and Appointments to the Council
- Election of Trustees by the Council
- Appointment of the Chancellor
- Election of the Rector
- Distinguished Service Awards
- Convocations
- Institution of Bylaws
Membership |
A1. The University Council shall consist of the following membership: a. The Chancellor, ex officio; b. The Principal, ex officio; c. Not more than forty members: i. elected by and from among the alumni for terms of four years each; ii. appointed from among the alumni by the Executive Committee to a broken term of office in accordance with the Council By-laws (C11.); and, iii. in exceptional circumstances, Council Trustees, previously elected by and from the alumni, directly appointed by the Executive Committee to the Council without the need for re-election to the Council, , for terms of up to two years each, (hereinafter referred to as "regular members"), renewable, subject to the term limits contained with the By-laws; d. One member of the Senate, appointed by the Senate for a two-year term, renewable; e. One member of the ˴Ƭ Alumni Association, appointed by its Board of Directors for a two-year term, renewable; and, f. Further ex officio members, as provided for below. PROVIDED that: WHERE a member of the Council is elected to the Board of Trustees as a Council Trustee and the member's term on the Council expires before the conclusion of the term to which he or she was elected on the Board, that member shall continue to be a member of Council, ex officio, until the conclusion of their elected term on the Board; and, WHERE a member is elected to the Executive Committee and the member's term on the Council expires before the conclusion of the term to which he or she was elected on the Executive Committee, that member shall continue to be a member of Council, ex officio, until the conclusion of their elected term on the Executive Committee. |
Chair of Council | A2. THE University Council shall be chaired by the Chancellor of ˴Ƭ. The Principal and Vice Chancellor shall act as Vice Chair of the University Council. |
Secretary of the Council | A3. THE Secretary of the University shall act as Secretary of the Council and shall be present at all meetings of the Council. |
Annual Meeting | A4. THE Council shall meet not less than once in a year at an Annual Meeting of the Council to be held on a date and at a place to be named by the Executive Committee of the Council at least six months in advance. |
Special Meeting | A5. A Special Meeting of the Council shall be called by the Secretary of the Council upon the direction of the Chancellor or the Principal of the University, or upon the written request of at least ten members of the Council. No business shall be transacted at a Special Meeting other than that specified in the notice calling the meeting. |
Notice of Meeting | A6. NOTICE of any meeting of the Council shall be transmitted by the Secretary to each member of the Council at least fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting. |
Rules of Order | A7. THE rules of order used in conducting the business of the Council at its meeting shall, wherever applicable and unless otherwise provided, be the most recently published version of Bourinot's Rules of Order. |
Quorum of Meeting | A8. Quorum at any meeting of the Council shall be fifty percent plus one of the current membership, including ex officio members. |
Attendance of Members |
A9. Subject to Section A10. of this By-law, attendance of Members at regular or special meetings of the Council or any of its committees shall be in person or by means of telephone, electronic or other communication facilities as permit all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other simultaneously and instantaneously, and a Councillor or committee member participating in such a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at that meeting. |
Electronic Voting |
Plenary Session | A11. The Plenary Sessions of all regular meetings of the Council shall be open to attendance by the members of the Board of Trustees, the Senate and Honorary Members of the Council with the right to speak upon being recognized by the Chair, but without voting privileges. Subject to Section A3. above, all remaining sessions of the Annual Meeting shall only be open to attendance of the members of the Council and such guests as may be invited by the Chancellor. |
Voting Rights | A12. Subject to Section A10. of this By-law, Councillors and committee members must be present at a meeting, in a manner as provided for in Section A9 above, to exercise their vote. Proxy votes are not allowed. Ex officio members of the Council have voting privileges at all meetings of the Council and the committees on which they sit. |
Register of Alumni | A13. FOR voting and other purposes stated in Council By-laws, the alumni are those individuals who have received a degree or diploma from the University, or have registered and attended classes for at least one full session (academic year or equivalent) and whose class has graduated, or who have received a certificate of completion of Postgraduate Medical Education (residency) from the School of Medicine. |
Amendments to Bylaws | A14. AMENDMENTS to the Council Bylaws shall be considered at any Annual or Special Meeting of the Council at the request of the Executive Committee of the Council or of any ten members of the Council; provided that written notice of the proposed amendments has been received by the Secretary of the Council at least thirty days before the date of the meeting. Proposed amendments shall be transmitted to Council members at least fifteen days prior to the date of the proposed meeting. Such amendments shall be voted upon by the members present at the meeting, and must receive at least two-thirds of the votes cast in order to be carried. |
Effective Date and Review Dates | A15. THIS By-law A shall come into force at 12:01 am on November 16, 2020 provided that the provisions of Section A1. iii be reviewed by the Executive Committee after three years following approval. |
Executive Committee |
B1. THERE shall be an Executive Committee of the Council. The said committee shall consist of:
FIVE members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee. The Principal shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee. THE Vice Chair of the Executive Committee shall assume the duties of the Chair in their absence. EX OFFICIO members of the Executive Committee shall have voting privileges at all meetings of the committee except for the Chair, who shall vote only in the case of a tie. THE Secretary of the Council shall ensure that a Secretary to the Executive Committee is appointed. The Executive Committee may use electronic voting in accordance with the criteria and procedure set out in By-law A, section 10. |
Powers of Executive Committee |
B2. THE Executive Committee shall:
Nominating Committee |
B3. THERE shall be a Nominating Committee of the Executive Committee. The said committee shall consist of:
THE Nominating Committee shall report to the Executive Committee. The members of the Nominating Committee shall annually elect the Chair of that Committee from among its members. |
Powers of the Nominating Committee |
B4. The Nominating Committee shall:
Elections to the Executive Committee |
B5. NOMINEES for election to the Executive Committee shall be elected members of Council nominated in accordance with Council By-laws. Ex officio members of the Council are not eligible to be nominated or elected to the Executive Committee under subsection B1. e, above. THE provisions of Sections D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 and D8 of By-law D apply to the elections of elected members to the Executive Committee, with the necessary changes in context, provided only that no candidate shall be considered eligible unless nominated by at least two nominators. AN elected member of Council who is in the final year of their term on Council is eligible to be nominated. |
Other Standing Committees of the Council |
B6. STANDING or permanent committees of the Council may only be established by amendment to the Council By-laws in accordance with Section A13 of By-law A. |
Special Purpose Committees of the Council |
B7. THE Executive Committee may establish special-purpose committees or taskforces. The purpose of such bodies will be to examine and discuss matters of importance to the prosperity and well-being of the University to assist Council in formulating an opinion that it may declare in regard to such matters. In such cases all members of the Council shall be eligible for consideration to be included in the membership thereof. At the time of the establishment of such committees or taskforces, terms of reference shall be approved which will specify, at a minimum:
The Principal | B8. IN addition to the powers conferred upon the Executive Committee pursuant to subsection B2. d, above, the Principal may request advisory assistance from Council or individual Councillors and may strike special-purpose committees or groups comprised, in whole or in part, of members of the Council to fulfill this function. THE Principal may, upon request from the Council or on their own initiative, update or respond to the Council from time to time on matters of significant strategic importance to the University. |
Effective and Review Dates | B9. THIS By-law B shall come into force at 12:01 am on November 16, 2020 provided that the provisions of Subsections B2 h. and i. and B4 a. and b. be reviewed after three years following approval. |
Election of Members and Assumption and Tenure of Office |
C1. THE forty regular members of the Council shall assume office on 1 September following their election or appointment. Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election, or in the case of Council Trustees in exceptional circumstances, appointment or reappointment, provided that the maximum length of service on the Council for any member other than an ex officio member shall be twelve consecutive years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the period of service completed by anyone elected (by-election) or appointed (C11.) to serve a broken term of office shall be disregarded in computing the length of service on the Council. |
Election of Board of Trustees Not Representing Council |
C2. WHENEVER an elected or appointed member of the Council becomes a member of the Board of Trustees through any process other than by election to the Board of Trustees by the Council, their membership as a member of Council shall cease immediately and their seat on the Council, together with their appointment as a Council Trustee, shall be deemed to be forfeited (a forfeiture of office) and the provisions of Section C11. shall apply to their seat on the Council, unless serving ex officio. |
Qualifications | C3. NOMINEES for election to the Council shall be alumni nominated in accordance with Council By-laws.
AFTER a break of at least one year, a former member whose eligibility for further re-election or re-appointment has expired due to reaching the maximum length of service pursuant to Section C1., above, is eligible to be elected to the Council for a further maximum length of service of twelve consecutive years. WHERE a former member's term has expired but that person has continued as an ex officio member of the Council, the duration of service as an ex officio member shall count toward the break referred to in the foregoing paragraph. |
Nominations | C4. EACH Alumni member shall have the right to nominate in each election one candidate for each elected member vacancy on the University Council. Nominations shall be invited each year by the Secretary of the University according to a process recommended by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Executive Committee of the Council. Candidates shall be nominated by at least two Alumni nominators. The names of the persons nominated shall be reported by the Secretary to the Nominating Committee and the names of those who are eligible to stand for election shall be brought forward to the Executive Committee of the Council. |
Nominations from Nominating Committee |
C5. THE Nominating Committee shall have the right to nominate candidates as it sees fit each year, in addition to those who have been nominated as provided in Section C4. Additional nominations made by the Nominating Committee shall be brought forward to the Executive Committee.
THE Executive Committee will establish the ballot for the election, which shall consist of all alumni eligible to be elected to the Council who have complied with the requirements of Section C4 and the process as established by the Nominating Committee, together with those who have been nominated by the Nominating Committee. The ballot shall not identify the source of the nomination. |
Notification and withdrawal of Nominees, Nomination of Additional Nominees if Necessary and Provision for Poll or Acclamation |
C6. FOLLOWING the establishment of the ballot for the election by the Executive Committee, the Secretary of the University shall immediately notify the nominees of their nomination. Persons nominated may at any time on or before the date specified by the Secretary inform them in writing of their desire to withdraw their names as nominees. As a result of withdrawals, if the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, the Nominating Committee shall, as soon as possible, nominate and obtain the consent of as many nominees as may be required to fill all vacancies. If the number of nominees remaining exceeds the number of vacancies, the names of the remaining nominees shall be announced and an election held in accordance with Council By-laws. If the number of nominees remaining is less than or equal to the number of vacancies, those nominees shall be declared elected by acclamation. Any remaining vacancies may subsequently be filled in accordance with C11., or at the following year's election. |
Procedure for Poll | C7. IF an election is required, it shall be conducted in a manner and at such time or times as determined by the Nominating Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Council and otherwise in accordance with Council By-laws. In order to be valid, votes shall be cast not later than the date specified by the Secretary, and in the manner as specified by them. |
Scrutiny and Count of Ballots, and Resolving Tie Vote |
C8. ALL valid votes shall be tabulated under the supervision of the Secretary on the next working day. A tie shall be broken by lot. The Secretary shall report on the election results to the Executive Committee. |
Notification of Members Elected or Appointed, and Publication of Same |
C9. THE Secretary shall immediately notify the successful candidates and shall publish the election results for the whole of the Council as soon as is practicable. |
Forfeiture of Membership |
C10. ANY regular member of the Council who has been absent from more than one Annual Meeting in a four-year term shall forfeit membership in the Council if, after considering the circumstances, the Executive Committee so decides and the Executive Committee may declare that member's seat to be vacant (a forfeiture of office). |
Filling of Vacancy |
C11. ANY vacancy in the regularmembership of the Council by death, resignation or forfeiture of office may be filled as a broken term of office by a member of the alumni appointed by the Executive Committee, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, or pursuant to a by-election. Any newly elected or appointed member of the Council shall take the place of their predecessor for the remainder of the term or otherwise as provided by the Executive Committee to properly rebalance the number of seats eligible for appointment or election in a year. IN such a case, the member who has resigned or forfeited their office is not eligible to be nominated, elected, or appointed hereunder until the next regular election. Where an appointment process is used, the Executive Committee, through its Nominating Committee, shall provide an explanation of the rationale supporting the proposed appointment to the members of the Council at the time that such appointment is proposed, and an opportunity for members of the Council to provide their comments to the Executive Committee on the appropriateness or suitability of the proposed appointment. |
Council Member appointed by the Senate |
C12. THE member of the Council appointed by the Senate shall assume office for two years on 1 September following their appointment, regardless of whether they remain a member of the Senate during the entire term of their appointment to the Executive Committee. Retiring Senate appointees shall be eligible for re-appointment provided they are, at that time, a senator and further provided that the maximum length of service shall be twelve consecutive years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the period of service completed by a senator appointed to serve a broken term of office (by-election) shall be disregarded in computing the length of service on the Council. AFTER a break of at least one year, a former member of the Council appointed by the Senate whose eligibility for re-appointment has expired pursuant to the above is eligible to be appointed to the Council for a further maximum length of service of twelve consecutive years. SENATE may appoint an alternate who may attend in the stead of the member appointed by Senate from time to time and, in such cases, the alternative shall have all of the authority, powers and duties of the appointed member. |
Council Member appointed by the Alumni Association |
C13. THE member of the Council appointed by the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association shall assume office for two years on 1 September following that person's appointment. Retiring Alumni Association appointees shall be eligible for re-appointment provided that the maximum length of service shall be twelve consecutive years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the period of service completed by an Alumni Association member appointed to serve a broken term of office (by-election) shall be disregarded in computing the length of service on the Council. AFTER a break of at least one year, a former member of the Council appointed by the Alumni Association whose eligibility for re-appointment has expired pursuant to the above is eligible to be appointed to the Council for a further maximum length of service of twelve consecutive years. THE Board of Directors of the Alumni Association may appoint an alternate who may attend in the stead of the member appointed by the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association from time to time and, in such cases, the alternative shall have all of the authority, powers and duties of the appointed member. |
Effective and Review Dates |
C14. THIS By-law C shall come into force at 12:01 am on November 16, 2020 provided that the provisions of Sections C1 and C2 be reviewed after three years following approval. |
THE Council elects six Council Trustees to the Board of Trustees for 3-year terms. | |
Election and Assumption and Tenure of Office |
D1. TWO Council Trustees elected by the Council shall retire each year and their successors shall be elected by the Council in accordance with the Council By-laws. Council Trustees shall assume office for three years on 1 June following their election, subject to the provisions below respecting Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Board of Trustees. A Council Trustee shall be eligible for re-election to the Board of Trustees provided that no Council Trustee may be elected to the Board of Trustees for more than nine consecutive years unless that person will, on the date of such further election, be the Chair or a Vice-Chair of the Board, in which case they may be re-elected for a further time not exceeding the length of their term of appointment as Chair or Vice-Chair, as the case may be. |
Nomination Procedure | D2. Each member of the Council shall have the right to nominate in each year up to two regular members of Council for the elected position of Council Trustee. A member of Council who is in the final year of their term on Council is eligible to be so nominated. In addition, the Nominating Committee may nominate regular members of Council for the position of Council Trustee.
NOMINATIONS shall be invited by the Secretary, according to a process recommended by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Executive Committee. NO candidate, unless nominated by the Nominating Committee, shall be considered eligible unless nominated by at least five members of the Council. NO member of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible to be nominated or elected as a Council Trustee. NO ex officio member of the Council is eligible to be nominated or elected as a Council Trustee. |
Scrutiny and Count of Nominations | D3. THE nominations that have been received by the Secretary on or before a date specified by the Secretary shall be tabulated under their supervision on the next working day. The Secretary shall prepare and transmit the report to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. |
Nomination and Withdrawal of Nominees and Provisions for Election if Necessary | D4. THE Secretary shall immediately notify the nominees and persons nominated may at any time on or before the date specified by the Secretary inform them in writing of their desire to withdraw their names as nominees. The names of those nominees remaining shall be announced and an election will be held in accordance with Council By-laws. If only two nominees remain, they shall be declared elected by acclamation. If only one nominee remains, he or she shall be declared elected by acclamation and an election to fill the remaining vacancy shall be held over until a further election takes place or shall take place at the next election. If no nominees remain, a vote to fill the vacancy shall be held over until a further election takes place. |
Procedure for Election | D5. IF an election of University Council Trustees is required it shall be conducted in a manner and at such time or times as determined by the Nominating Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Council and otherwise in accordance with Council By-laws. |
Scrutiny and Resolving of Tie Vote |
D6. VOTING shall be tabulated under the supervision of the Secretary on the next working day. A tie shall be broken by a run‐off election. Pursuant to section D5 of the University Council By‐laws, as it concerns resolution of the tie vote between Councillors, a run‐off election shall be conducted as follows: a. The names of the Councillors in receipt of the most votes shall be placed before the University Council as the only candidates for the one remaining position in the election of members of Council to the Board of Trustees; b. Members of the University Councilshall be permitted one week to cast one vote for one of the candidates; c. Existing statements and materials submitted for the original election shall be made available to the Council. No new materials may be submitted by any candidate; d. At the conclusion of the one week voting period, the Secretary of the Council shall tabulate the votes and prepare and forward a report of the election results to the Chair of the Executive Committee; and, e. The Secretary shall immediately notify the successful candidate and shall publish the results for the whole of the Council as soon as is practicable. f. In the event of a second tie vote, that tie shall be broken by lot. |
Notification of Nominees Elected and Publication of Same | D7. THE Secretary shall immediately notify the successful candidates and shall publish the results for the whole of the Council as soon as is practicable. |
Forfeiture of Office | D8. ANY Council Trustee who has been absent from more than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Trustees in one academic year shall forfeit membership on the Board, if after considering the circumstances, the Executive Committee so decides and the Executive Committee may declare that member's seat to be vacant. |
Filling of Vacancy | D9. ANY vacancy in the office of Council Trustee caused by death, resignation or forfeiture of office, shall be filled as a broken term of office by election to take place in a manner and at such time as determined by the Nominating Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Council. Any newly elected Council Trustee shall take the place of their predecessor for the remainder of the term, or otherwise as provided by the Nominating Committee to properly rebalance the number of seats eligible for election in a year. IN such an election, the elected member who has resigned or forfeited their office is not eligible to be nominated or elected hereunder. |
Effective and Review Dates | D10. This By-law D shall come into force at 12:01 am on November 6, 2022. |
Appointment and Tenure of Office |
E1. THE Chancellor
(1) The University Council shall, in accordance with its by-laws, appoint a Chancellor of ˴Ƭ as the highest officer of the University. (2) The Chancellor holds office for three years from the date of appointment or until a successor is appointed, whichever is later. (3) The Chancellor shall preside at all meetings of the University Council, holding both a deliberative and a casting vote on all motions submitted to any meeting of the University Council. |
Appointment/ Re-Appointment At Regular Intervals |
E2. TWELVE months before the end of the three-year term, the Executive Committee of the Council, shall discuss renewing the Chancellor’s appointment for a subsequent term and shall discuss with the Chancellor, through the Principal, their wish to be considered for re-appointment to a subsequent term. |
In Case of Vacancy |
E2a. ANY vacancy in the office of the Chancellor caused by death or resignation shall be addressed as outlined in E2b. below. |
Procedure | E2b. THE Executive Committee shall ask the Principal to form an advisory Committee, including at least two Councillors, to recommend the selection of the Chancellor. WHEN the Advisory Committee has made a recommendation to the Principal, the Principal shall inform the Executive Committee and ask for the Executive Committee's approval to bring the recommendation for appointment forward for approval by the University Council. |
Appointment Announcement | E2c. THE appointment of the Chancellor shall be announced following approval of the appointment by the University Council. |
Installation | E3. A new Chancellor shall be formally installed at Convocation following their appointment. |
Vice-Chancellor to preside |
E3a. THE Vice-Chancellor of the University shall preside at the Convocation at which a Chancellor is to be installed, and any Convocation at which the Chancellor is unable to attend. |
Declaration of Fidelity | E3b. THE Chancellor-designate will make the following declaration: "I, , undertake to perform to the best of my ability the duties of Chancellor of ˴Ƭ at Kingston; and I promise as highest officer of the University, by all lawful means to defend its rights and promote its welfare." |
Subsequent Procedure | E3c. AFTER making the Declaration of Fidelity, the Chancellor shall take the Chancellor's chair and preside at the subsequent proceedings of Convocation. |
THE students registered in academic programs of the University shall, in accordance with the By-laws of the University Council, elect a Rector to hold office for three years from the date of election or until a successor is elected, whichever is later.
Bill S-1001, An Act Respecting ˴Ƭ at Kingston, 1st Sess, 41st Parl, 2011, cl 17.2 (assented to 26 June 2011) |
Duties of the Rector |
F1. THE Rector, elected by the students registered in academic programs of the University, represents and is responsible to all students of ˴Ƭ. The Rector is an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees of ˴Ƭ. The Rector may be called upon to participate in ceremonial and administrative functions as a representative of all students. |
Delegation | F2. THE University Council delegates and entrusts responsibility to the Alma Mater Society (AMS) and to the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) to conduct the nomination, election and any removal of the Rector. |
Procedures for Nomination and Poll |
F3. ALL nomination and election procedures related to the position of Rector shall be described in identical terms in the AMS and SGPS Constitutions and any related by-laws, policy or procedures of each student society. |
Notification of Candidate Elected and Publication of Same |
F4. THE responsible Electoral Officer shall immediately notify the successful candidate and publish the election results in the manner specified in the procedures and shall also notify the Secretary of the University specifying the date upon which the Rector-elect will take office. |
Distinguished Service Award Recipients | G1. IN order to give suitable recognition to those who have rendered outstanding service to the University, the Council awards annually up to six Distinguished Service Awards. |
Those Eligible | G2. RECIPIENTS are not restricted to alumni of the University. |
Nomination Notice | G3. NOMINATIONS are to be made annually to the Secretary of the Council in writing by a date specified each year by the Secretary of the Council and must be signed by at least five persons who are members (elected, appointed, ex officio or honorary) of the Council, the Queen's Alumni Association, the Board of Trustees, students, or are present or retired employees of the University. |
Choice of Nominees | G4. THE Executive Committee of the Council will review nominations and select the recipients, or they may delegate this responsibility to a subcommittee. |
Presentation of Award | G5. THE award will normally be presented at the time of the Annual Meeting of the Council. In exceptional circumstances, the Executive Committee may select a recipient and present an award at any time. |
Convocations | H1. THERE shall be one or more Convocation held at the University each year, for the conferring of degrees and for such other purposes as may be determined. The place, date and hour of Convocations and the procedure followed at Convocations shall be delegated to the Senate of the University. |