Membership 2024-25

Ex Officio
The Chancellor - Shelagh Rogers, Chair  
The Principal and Vice-Chancellor - Patrick Deane
Heather Black
Alison Holt


Term Ends

Allison Williams (QUAA) Apr-2026
Petra Fachinger (Senate) Sep-2025


Term Ends 

Yinka Adegbusi Sep-2028
Tazrian Alam Sep-2027
Nonyelum Pamela Anoliefo Sep-2025
John Armitage Sep-2026
Leo Bailey Sep-2028
Nirosha Balakumar Sep-2025
Doug Bruce Sep-2027
Samantha Cheung Sep-2028
Safiah Chowdhury Sep-2027
Elena Christopoulos Sep-2026
Mary Drinkwater Sep-2027
Greg Frankson Sep-2025
Gregory Galligan Sep-2028
Bittu George Sep-2028
Letitia Golubitsky Sep-2027
Jeremy Gooden Sep-2025
Willa Henry Sep-2025
Kieva Hranchuk Sep-2026
Chessa Jope Sep-2026
Daria Juudi-Hope Sep-2025
Sandra Kwon Sep-2025
Alexander Lam Sep-2028
Cathy Matthews Sep-2025
Jennifer McMaster Sep-2028
Irene Mukasa Sep-2028
Colby Pereira Sep-2027
David Pick Sep-2027
Tka Pinnock Sep-2025
Erin Polansky Sep-2026
Alan Prendergast Sep-2028
Noor Rahemtulla Sep-2025
Patricia Romans Sep-2027
Saara Romu Sep-2026
Frannie Shen Sep-2026
Amrita V. Singh Sep-2026
Susan Smith Sep-2026
Sam Turgeon-Brabazon Sep-2028
Yanique Williams Sep-2027
Marcus Wong Sep-2027
Elaine Wu Sep-2026