Website Privacy Statement

Website Data Collection, Use and Disclosure Statement

Terms of Use

Queen鈥檚 University owns, operates and maintains along with a family of other Queen鈥檚 domains such as and[i] including all content thereon (the "Sites"). By accessing, browsing or using the Sites, you accept and agree to the below terms of use (the "Terms"). Queen鈥檚 University may amend the Terms at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to review the current posted version of the Terms each time you use the Sites as you will be bound by such amendments.  You may employ browser options or other tools to opt-out of information-collecting services and/or technologies, or exit the Sites immediately if you do not accept or agree to the Terms.

Queen鈥檚 University uses third-party tools to log web server interactions. These server logs include your Internet Protocol (IP) address and may also include other information about your activity on the Sites, such as date, time, pages visited, browser type, etc.


A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device by a website鈥檚 server to monitor your use of that website. Some of the Sites' web pages make use of web analytics services to assist in making the Sites鈥 communications and content more useful, such as monitoring traffic patterns, demographics, and the types of technology that visitors use. Take note that these services use cookies and JavaScript. Data collected (including your IP address) is transmitted to the service provider, such as Google Analytics.

Queen鈥檚 University may use cookies for the following reasons:

  • To monitor Sites usage and improve the performance of the Sites; for example, cookies help the Sites remember who you are so that it can offer more personalized content;
  • To ascertain other websites recently visited by users of the Sites;
  • To enable browsers to save authentication details and/or preferences for you so that you will not have to re-enter them the next time you visit the Sites; and
  • To compile user traffic and demographic statistics related to the Sites (for example, number of users, page views, your location, average time spent on the Sites, etc.). This information helps Queen鈥檚 to better understand when to update, change or offer new navigation or content.

Analytics Services

Queen鈥檚 University uses various analytics services, such as Google Analytics, to measure traffic patterns to, from, and within the Sites. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the Sites is transmitted to various analytics service providers鈥 servers both inside and outside Canada.  Queen鈥檚 University uses the statistical reports generated by analytics services to continually improve our web presence and help make the Sites more useful to visitors.


As part of its comprehensive marketing strategy, Queen鈥檚 University uses an advertising practice called remarketing, which allows it to track the activity of users who have visited the Sites as they continue on to other areas of the internet. This may involve the use of cookies. As a result of remarketing campaigns, third-party entities (such as Google or Facebook, for example) may display advertising or messaging from the university on other sites on the internet.


You may opt-out of being tracked by analytics and remarketing tools. One way to do this is by disabling or refusing cookies. Please refer to the 鈥渉elp鈥 information in your browser software for information on how to disable or delete cookies from your device.

By refusing or deleting cookies, you should be aware that you may lose some functionality of the Sites.

You may also choose to disable JavaScript within your browser. However, while efforts are made to maintain Site functionality, many Queen鈥檚 Sites and applications are dependent on JavaScript to function as intended


[i] All Queen鈥檚 owned and maintained web domains linking to or publishing this statement on their Site must abide by the claims and declarations made within this statement.