Procedure for Managing Notifications of Temporary Service Disruptions

Contact Officer: Accessibility Coordinator

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Definitions
  3. Maintenance of Accessible Elements in Public Spaces
  4. Facilities and Services Subject to ‘Managing Notifications of Temporary Service Disruptions Procedure’
  5. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions with Physical Accessibility Facilities and Services: Door openers, Elevators, Lifts, Pathways, Ramps and Washrooms
  6. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions with Accessible Parking
  7. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions with Accessible Parking due to Snow and Ice
  8. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions to adaptive computers and technology – Adaptive Technology Centre

A. Purpose

In accordance with the accessible customer service requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, Queen’s University is required to provide notification of temporary disruptions in those facilities or services (in whole or in part) made available for persons with disabilities so that they may obtain, use or benefit from the University’s goods, services, or facilities.

  1. If, in order to obtain, use or benefit from a provider’s goods, services or facilities, persons with disabilities usually use other particular facilities or services of the provider and if there is a temporary disruption in those other facilities or services in whole or in part, the provider shall give notice of the disruption to the public.
  2. Notice of the disruption must include the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities or services, if any, that are available.
  3. Every provider, other than a small organization, shall prepare a document setting out the steps that the provider will ensure are taken in connection with a temporary disruption and, on request, shall give a copy of the document to any person.
  4. Every provider, other than a small organization, shall notify persons to whom it provides goods, services or facilities that the document required by subsection (3) is available on request.
  5. The notices required by subsections (2) and (4) may be given by posting the information at a conspicuous place on premises owned or operated by the provider, by posting it on the provider’s website, if any, or by such other method as is reasonable in the circumstances.

B. Definitions

Accessible element: An element specified by guidelines and/or standards (for example, telephone, controls, etc.).

Controls are operating mechanisms generally used by staff or public (e.g., light switches and dispenser controls). Exception: Restricted-access controls.

Element: An architectural or mechanical component of a building, facility, space or site (e.g. telephone, curb ramp, door, drinking fountain, seating or water closet).

C. Maintenance of Accessible Elements in Public Spaces

Facilities and Grounds

  • Physical Plant Services (PPS) is responsible for facilities (infrastructure and façade) and grounds.
    Maintenance requests for these issues should be reported to the FIXIT Desk at ext. 77301. Repairs to keep Queen’s University facilities and services in proper working condition are considered maintenance.

Telephone Repair

Adaptive Technology Centre (ATC)

  • Any maintenance or service requests to accessible elements in the ATC may be communicated directly to the ATC Coordinator:

Notice of Temporary Service Disruption

Maintenance to any accessible element will require a ‘Notice of Temporary Service Disruption’ if the element or control is contained within a Facility and Service subject to the procedure outlined below.

D. Facilities and Services Subject to Managing Notifications of Temporary Service Disruptions Procedure

The University identifies the following facilities and services as being subject to the requirement for notification of temporary disruptions:

  • Accessible lift mechanisms
  • Accessible parking
  • Accessible pathways
  • Accessible ramped entrances
  • Accessible washrooms
  • Adaptive computer and other technology made available through the Adaptive Technology Centre
  • Power door openers to public entrances
  • Public Elevators

The University recognizes that if additional facilities or services become available in the future for use by persons with disabilities so that they may obtain, use or benefit from its goods or services, this list will be updated accordingly.

E. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions with Physical Accessibility Facilities and Services: Door openers, Elevators, Lifts, Pathways, Ramps and Washrooms

Responsible Officer/Section



Department Heads or their designates


Notify FIXIT in Physical Plant Services so they become aware of any disruptions to these physical accessibility services or facilities within their area. FIXIT may be reached by phone at 613-533-6757 (Campus, 77301) or by email at .

To report issues after 4 pm or on weekends, individuals may contact the Emergency Report Centre at 613-533-6080 (extension 36080 on campus) or email Campus Security at

Physical Plant Services (PPS)/FixIt


If PPS/FixIt staff report the issue internally, a notification will be issued if the interruption will extend for more than 24 hours.

Faculty, staff, students and visitors, Queen’s University


Inform the University about service disruptions in any
of the above listed accessibility facilities or services. They may do this by contacting PPS/FixIt or by using



the University’s Accessibility Feedback Online Form, available at: /forms/accessibility/customer-

Physical Plant Services


Receives notifications concerning disruptions to
physical accessibility of facilities or services.

Physical Plant Services (PPS)/FixIt


Assign responsibility for assessing the situation and respond accordingly when receiving notifications
concerning disruptions to physical accessibility of facilities or services.

Physical Plant Services (PPS)/FixIt


Assess each disruption and determine if a Notification of Temporary Disruption is required. Any disruption to these services or facilities expected to last longer than 24 hours will require a Notification of Temporary Disruption.

Physical Plant Services (PPS)/FixIt


When a Notice of Temporary Disruption is required it must include:

  • Reason for disruption
  • Date and Time FIXIT assessed the disruption;
  • Name of the facility or service;
  • Alternate accessible facilities or services, if available;
  • Anticipated duration of disruption. Disruption extending beyond the anticipated duration will be communicated through an updated notification on the date the original notification expires;
  • Contact Information for more information.

Physical Plant Services


Post any required Notification of Temporary

Physical Plant Services (PPS)/FixIt


Notifications of Temporary Disruption will be posted as follows:

  • Temporary sign posted in a conspicuous, logical location near the facility or device. Examples include over an elevator button, on the power door opener button, near the entrance of a ramp, near the operating button of a lift.
  • Temporary signs posted as appropriate throughout the building, elevators, particularly near the building’s main entrance and all accessible entrances;
  • Notifications will be emailed to Queen’s Student Accessibility Services, Campus Security, Environmental Health & Safety, the Accessibility Hub, and the Editor of the ‘Gazette’ or designate;
  • Notifications will also be issued to the list serve for the affected building, so the information may be circulated to occupants.

The Gazette Editor


Ensure notification are posted on the ‘Campus Updates’ webpage: .
These notifications will also automatically appear on .

F. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions with Accessible Parking

Responsible Officer/Section



Parking Office


Responsible for managing accessible parking on all of its parking lots and  any University-owned streets (e.g. Bader Lane, Fifth Field Company Lane, Founders Way, West Campus Lane and Water Tower

Parking Office


Responsible for receiving notifications in disruptions to its accessible parking spots. The Parking Office can be reached by phone at 613-533-6979 or by
email at . Give disruptions to accessible parking priority attention.

Faculty, staff, students and visitors, Queen’s University


Inform the University about accessibility parking concerns at Queen’s by using the University’s Accessibility Feedback Online Form, available at: /forms/accessibility/customer-

Parking Office


Retain a listing of University community members holding accessible parking permits.

Parking Office


In the event of a disruption in service for an assigned accessible parking spot lasting for more than 24 hours, the Parking Office, where possible, will assign an alternative accessible parking spot to the registered user until the disruption is resolved.

Parking Office


In the event of a complete closure of a parking lot, the Parking Office will inform registered users of the disruption and arrange for alternate accessible parking locations. When necessary, alternate arrangements will include reclaiming, and temporarily designating as accessible, existing spots in other parking lots.

Parking Office


In assessing any disruption to accessible parking, the Parking Office will provide notifications of disruption as deemed necessary, following the same procedure as outlined in the Notice of Temporary Disruption procedure above.

G. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions with Accessible Parking due to Snow and Ice

Responsible Officer/Section



Parking Office


Inform contractual snow removal companies that accessible parking spots are a priority in the snow removal plan. Provide each contractual snow removal
company with a Campus Map identifying the location of accessible parking spots.

Parking Office


Inform contractual snow removal companies that they are not permitted to pile snow in accessible parking spots, even on a temporary basis.

Parking Office


Meet with the contractual snow removal companies and Queen’s staff, as necessary, immediately after the first snowfall of the year to review the process and
correct any issues.

H. Procedure for Temporary Disruptions to adaptive computers and technology – Adaptive Technology Centre

Responsible Officer/Section



Adaptive Technology Centre Coordinator


Temporary sign posted in a conspicuous, logical location (e.g. directly on or adjacent to the equipment)

Adaptive Technology Centre Coordinator


Notification on the website of the Adaptive Technology Centre (ATC). This page is linked to the website of Queen’s Student Accessibility Service (QSAS) and the Accessibility Hub.

Adaptive Technology Centre Coordinator


General message to the Student- listserv, if appropriate

Adaptive Technology Centre Coordinator


A complete closure of the ATC must be published on the Queen’s Library home page. Notification on the University’s home page, as determined and communicated by the Coordinator or designate to the Electronic Communications Manager in Marketing and Communication.

Adaptive Technology Centre Coordinator


During power outages and/or computer server interruptions, the ATC Coordinator or designate will post a notification on the door to the computer lab.

Adaptive Technology Centre Coordinator


The Coordinator or designate will also take steps to alert users as they arrive at the Adaptive Technology Centre of any disruptions to services or facilities.

Date Approved: November 27, 2017
Approval Authority: VPOC
Date of Commencement: 2017 November 27
Amendment Dates
Date for Next Review: 2022 November 27
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines: Accessibility Policy