Disability Accommodation Guidelines

Contact Officer:  Manager, Return to Work & Accommodation Department


The Disability Accommodation Guidelines have been created to support the Accommodation of Disabilities in the Workplace Policy and to provide a clear statement of the principles to be considered for ensuring the University meets its obligations under the , the , and other applicable legislation.


In order to meet the needs of individuals affected, the overriding principles of approach should be those of:

  1. Individualization: designing accommodation to meet the specific circumstances of each employee or job applicant
  2. Partnership: involving the person requiring the accommodation, administrators and managers of the university, unions and any medical practitioners or other third parties with specialized expertise
  3. Consultation: involving those in the partnership in development of the accommodation plan
  4. Inclusion: ensuring that the person to be accommodated is involved in the process and plan design
  5. Respect for confidentiality and dignity: maintaining the dignity of the employee or job applicant who requires workplace accommodation and respecting the confidentiality of their personal information
  6. Employment Equity: ensuring that the workplace is accessible to all

In accordance with these principles, Accommodation Measures will be made on a case-by-case basis to meet the specific needs of employees and applicants, and systemically to make the University as a whole accessible to employees and applicants with Disabilities.

The University is not required to create a job or to significantly alter a job as to have a different job in order to accommodate an applicant or an employee.


Personal information concerning an employee cannot be released without the prior written consent of the individual and must be managed in a manner that is consistent with the Freedom of Information Guidelines and Personal Information Protection Guidelines, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and the Personal Health Information Protection Act, as applicable. In order to facilitate the accommodation process, employees/applicants will not unreasonably withhold such information. Where the accommodation process requires the release of confidential information to a third party (such as an external resource group), the third party, and any person or department delegated by that third party, will be required to ensure that confidentiality is protected, that the information obtained is kept in a secure location, and used solely for the purpose for which the release was required.


Date Approved: January 12, 2015
Approval Authority: Vice-Principals' Operations Committee
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