Establishing and Operating a Camp for Minors Policy

Category: Administration and Operations
Approval: SLT
Responsibility: Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration), Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)
Date initially approved: December 2015
Date of last revision: May 2023, April 2019

  1. Definitions
  2. Purpose/Reason for Policy
  3. Scope of this Policy
  4. Policy Statement
  5. Responsibilities

A. Definitions

Camps for Minors (Camps): A day or overnight program that offers recreational activities and/or instruction to Minors. Such Camps typically have five or more campers and operate anytime during school vacations. Camps are run by academic and administrative units of the university and student groups. This may include partnerships between university units and external organizations that use university facilities or brand. A list of approved camps is posted on the Queen鈥檚 university website.

Sponsoring Unit: The academic or administrative unit or student organization of the university which endorses and approves the operations of a Camp to Risk and Safety Services. Risk and Safety Services will work with each Camp to determine the Sponsoring Unit with the appropriate authority and oversight for that Camp.

Minor: A person under the age of 18.

B. Purpose/Reason for Policy

The purpose of the policy is to provide the parameters under which a university department, student group or external organization are permitted to establish and operate a Camp that uses Queen鈥檚 facilities and/or brand.

C. Scope of this Policy

This Policy applies to Camps whether they are limited to daily activities or involve the housing of Minors in residence halls. Exceptions to this policy include:

  1. Undergraduate and Graduate academic programs in which Minors are enrolled for academic credit
  2. Events held on university property/facilities, which are open to the general public
  3. School field trips and university property/facilities tours or visits by Minors which are not under the sole supervision of the university

This Policy applies to university departments and Queen鈥檚 University student groups that run Camps for Minors using Queen鈥檚 University property/facilities or the Queen鈥檚 brand. Queen鈥檚 units partnering with third parties to provide Camps for Minors must ensure that agreements with these providers include language requiring them to confirm they have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of this policy and associated procedures. This does not apply to external organizations renting Queen鈥檚 facilities.


Queen鈥檚 University is committed to the full inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities. In complying with the requirements of the accessibility standards under the AODA, Camp Directors are to review the 成人大片 Accessibility Policy and the Service Animals on Campus Policy to facilitate the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers to persons with disabilities.

The Accessibility Hub is a central online resource for accessibility at Queen鈥檚 University and offers helpful information to assist during the planning process and provides guidance and support to Camp Directors.

Indigenization - Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Accessibility (I-EDIAA)

Queen鈥檚 University is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusivity in all aspects of university life and supports the implementation of  I-EDIAA best practices when planning a Queen鈥檚 University Camp for Minors. To gain an understanding of Queen's I-EDIAA priorities and commitments to the principles, practices, and benefits of I-EDIAA, Camp Staff are required to complete the university鈥檚 I-EDIAA training modules as outlined in the Section 2.4 of the Procedure for Hiring and Training of Camp Staff.

D. Policy Statement

Camps for Minors on university property/facilities are required to meet the university鈥檚 minimum standards for ensuring the health and safety of all Minors participating.

Any new Camps for Minors must be approved before program activities occur. Approval confirms that the Camp complies with this policy and its associated procedures and is not an endorsement of camp programming. Approval is subject to compliance with this Policy and the associated procedures. Applications to operate a Camp for Minors are made using the Camp Compliance Form, submitted by the Sponsoring Unit to Risk and Safety Services at for review and approval. Applications for Camp approval must be submitted by the deadline indicated on the form.

All Camps run by academic and administrative units of the university are covered under the university鈥檚 Commercial General Liability policy. All Camps run by student groups, are required to contact the AMS and/or SGPS to ensure adequate Commercial General Liability insurance coverage.  External service providers partnering with Queen鈥檚 units, must provide evidence of adequate Commercial General Liability insurance coverage.

Camps are required to comply with the policies and procedures that relate to this policy. Camps that do not demonstrate that all reasonable processes and procedures have been put in place to ensure the safety of Minors may be denied access to Queen鈥檚 facilities and brands.

E. Responsibilities

Sponsoring Unit: Conduct a compliance review to ensure new and existing Camp programs meet the requirements under Camp Policy and Procedures. Sign the Camp Compliance Forms to be submitted to Risk and Safety Services to indicate your acknowledgement of this review and you approval for the Camp to operate.

Risk and Safety Services: Review compliance documents for new and existing Camps to confirm compliance with this Policy and its accompanying Procedures. Approve new Camp requests that meet compliance requirements. Add the names of approved Camps to the Queen's Camps website.

Camp Compliance Oversight Group: With representation from each of the approved Queen鈥檚 Camps, the CCOG provides support and advice to Risk and Safety Services on the development and review of Policy and Procedures relating to Camps for Minors at Queen鈥檚.  Members share information, ideas for best practices, and review lessons learned with each other at meetings of the CCOG.

Contact Officer: Executive Director, Risk and Safety Services
Date for Next Review: May 2028
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines:
Protection of Minors Involved in University Programs and Activities
Health & Safety and Emergency Procedures for Camps
Hiring and Training of Camp Personnel
Documentation and Privacy of Camp Records
Supervision of Campers
Improper Acts Reporting Policy
Policies Superseded by This Policy: None