Research Resources

Research Ethics

Visit the Vice-Principal Research website to find out:

  • Which Research Ethics Board you need to apply to
  • What Courses on Research Ethics (CORE) are available
  • What Training Tools (TRAQ) are available
  • What does Research Integrity mean?

Indigenous Research Ethics

Visit the Office of Indigenous Initiatives website to find out:

  • How to build ethical relationships and research partnerships with Indigenous communities
  • What are the research priorities of specific communities
  • How to design research collaboratively
  • Training resources and modules for Indigenous Community Research Partnerships

Library Resources

Visit to find out about:

  • Research collections using Omni
  • Research data management
  • Researcher training programs
  • Graduate thesis online
  • Research and teaching support via your program Library Liaison officer
  • Study spaces

Academic Integrity

Find out about how to maintain Academic Integrity - the practice of honest and responsible scholarship by visiting the . Access and use the following resources:

Intellectual Property

Editor Listing Resource

The SGSPA has created a listing of accredited editors to help students for a fee:

Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP)

The Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP) informs the Queen鈥檚 community of the requirements and roles and responsibilities related to conducting academic, research and/or business travel and associated activities sanctioned by the university.