Awards & Bursaries

These awards do not require an application, and many are part of funding packages given to students when they receive an admission offer. Queen鈥檚 Graduate Awards are administered by the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs based on recommendations from individual departments. Thanks to the generosity of university benefactors, Queen鈥檚 offers numerous opportunities to graduate students to receive internal fellowships, scholarships, and awards. A list of these can be found on the Internal Awards and Financial Assistance page within the Graduate Calendar. Be aware that some are discipline specific.

The Tri-Council is comprised of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (). Detailed information about applying can be found on each agency鈥檚 website. You may be required to apply for one of these awards during your time at Queen鈥檚. These prestigious awards provide significant funding for your research at Queen鈥檚. The University recognizes the success of those who receive Tri-Council awards by offering Tri-Agency Recipient Recognition Awards of $5,000 to incoming Master鈥檚 students and $10,000 to incoming PhD students (both one-time payments). The Awards and Financial Assistance section of the Academic Calendar provides further information.

Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) are merit-based, promoting excellence in Master鈥檚 and doctoral students. If you鈥檙e eligible, you鈥檒l need to apply through the university where you鈥檒l be enrolled in your graduate degree. OGS are valued at $15,000 for one academic year, usually paid in 3 equal installments. The award is not renewable. You may be obligated to apply for OGS and can ask your Graduate Coordinator for more details. The Academic Calendar鈥檚 Awards and Financial Assistance provides further information.

There are many opportunities for you to undertake research abroad while you are at Queen鈥檚. The Student Affairs website outlines information about the Rhodes Scholarship program with links to the Rhodes Scholarship Canada page. This opportunity (first awarded in 1902) enables outstanding young people to study at the University of Oxford. runs a range of programs supporting exceptional Canadian students and scholars who wish to study, research, or lecture in the United States.

Mitacs Funding Opportunities

Mitacs supports fellowships and awards for Masters students, Ph.D. students & post-doctoral fellows, including internship programs, and student travel awards. For information on Queen's internal application process and the Mitacs Globalink Research Award, see all details outlined on the University Research Services website.

Queen鈥檚 welcomes international graduate students and supports them through various funding opportunities.聽

A small number of Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) awards may be made to student visa holders in Ontario under a temporary resident visa student study permit under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada). The current value of the award is $5,000 per term. Awards will be for two or three consecutive terms; one-term awards will not be made.

The Graduate Calendar鈥檚 External Awards Offered by Government and Other Granting Bodies includes more details about OGS awards for student visa holders at Queen鈥檚. Further information about funding sources for international students can be found on the websites of the Office of the University Registrars' Student Awards and the .

International students are encouraged to explore awards offered by their home countries. These opportunities, like those offered by the China Scholarship Council discussed below, can provide support as you pursue your studies at Queen鈥檚.

China Scholarship Council

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) provides scholarships to Chinese citizens studying abroad for doctoral and postdoctoral studies. Queen鈥檚 has an agreement with the CSC and with specific Chinese universities to be a preferred host institution for CSC scholarship holders, particularly those in physical sciences, applied science and life sciences.聽

Who is qualified to receive a CSC PhD scholarship?

  • A citizen of China, studying in China or abroad
  • Students must be either 4th year undergraduates or in their 1st year of their PhD or current graduate students in a Master program
  • NB: There are no Master scholarships. However, a letter of offer to a 4th year undergrad聽from a foreign university can indicate that the offer will lead to a PhD degree.

For details on the application process, roles and responsibilities of the CSC, the student and the Department, go to the International Collaborations and Opportunities webpage.

Mitacs Globalink Research Award

Mitacs Globalink Research Awards support international research collaboration, providing special funding for graduate students with uncertain status in their current location to conduct research at Queen鈥檚. These awards offer $6,000 from Mitacs to support student travel and accommodation expenses, research-related expenses, and student stipends for a 12-24 week project supervised by a Canadian faculty member. Applications are accepted any time and are processed as received.

There are several funding initiatives available to Indigenous graduate students. Self-identification is very important when considering financial support.

The , aims to address the urgent need to encourage and nurture graduate studies by underrepresented groups in Canada that have been ignored as potential candidates in academia and in particular the STEM programs.聽IBET recipients receive funding support and a Momentum Fellowship which includes access to industry partnerships and additional networking opportunities.

The Teyonkwayenaw谩:kon 鈥 Graduate Scholarship was established in June 2021 by the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs to welcome new Indigenous graduate students to Queen鈥檚. The scholarship is available to incoming Indigenous graduate students who self-identify at the time of application.

Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) -聽Queen鈥檚 University allocates two OGS awards each year specifically to Indigenous聽graduate students. There is a section on the OGS application for eligible applicants to self-identify as Indigenous in order to聽be considered for one of these awards. Normally, to be eligible, you must be enrolled in a research-based program.

Bursary for Indigenous Students - Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to Indigenous students in any year of any faculty or school at Queen鈥檚 University.聽Applications are to be made via SOLUS to the Office of the University Registrar, Financial Services.

Band Funding - If you are registered with your community and have a status card, you may be eligible for postsecondary funding, for which you will have to apply. Every band distributes their postsecondary funding differently and have their own deadlines and eligibility requirements. We encourage you to contact the education person/representative at your band office to discuss the process and timeline pertaining to your application.

The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs Conference Travel Awards support students traveling to conferences to present their scholarship. Departments manage these applications and should be contacted directly for details on how to apply.

The Graduate Dean鈥檚 Travel Grant for Doctoral Field Research is a competitive award for doctoral students pursuing dissertation research at a considerable distance from Queen鈥檚. The maximum value of the award is $3,000. Graduate programs and departments receive details and application materials approximately 8 weeks prior to the annual competition deadline.

Queen鈥檚 offers a variety of financial assistance programs, some of which are administered by the Student Awards Office. Students can obtain needs-based financial assistance (e.g., the Queen鈥檚 General Bursary) or work programs. These programs are intended to supplement, not replace, a student鈥檚 and their family鈥檚 contributions. The Graduate Calendar provides further information on other non-competitive awards, loans, and financial assistance programs, including the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), work study, and financial assistance for students with disabilities.

The $15,000 Bursary for Indigenous Students is 鈥渁warded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to Indigenous students in any year of any faculty or school at Queen鈥檚.鈥 Recipients may be full- or part-time students. You can apply to the Office of the University Registrar, Student Awards via SOLUS.

The SGSPA makes Maternity-Parental Leave Funding available to doctoral students. These funds provide support to a new parent taking a leave from full-time graduate studies to start or expand their family. The SGSPA provides $5,000 to funding-eligible PhD students who have been granted maternity or parental leave under the Maternity and Parental Leave Regulation.

The Ban Righ Centre offers financial assistance to women (note: all bursaries and awards are assessed based on the financial needs of applicants).

The Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) offers to support graduate students. The SGPS Activity Bursary subsidizes participation in Queen鈥檚 University clubs, intramural teams, events, and conferences to a maximum of $150.00. For more details see the .

Student-led initiatives organized by and directed toward graduate students (e.g., organizing conferences or hosting events) may be awarded funding through the Dean of the SGSPA. At least two months before the need for funding, students should complete and submit a Request for Funding form to聽 This SGSPA Student Initiative Fund聽does not exceed $1,000. Open the attached PDF for Guidelines and the application form (237KB).聽

The Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs established the Student Initiative Fund to provide year-round funding opportunities for special projects and initiatives that enhance the student experience and enrich the University community. The Fund exists for projects dedicated to the principles of personal and community development and especially to provide extra- and co-curricular educational opportunities for students to build leadership, citizenship, intercultural awareness and/or community-building skills. Full details on the award and the online application form can be found on the Student Affairs website.