External Examiners (Ph.D. Oral Examinations Only)

External Examiners are essential to upholding the quality of graduate scholarship at Queen鈥檚 University.

Three to four weeks prior to the oral thesis examination, an email will be sent from the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs confirming the date, time and location of the exam. Included in this email will be a letter from the Vice-Provost and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs with information about the travel claim form, notes on the conduct of oral examinations at 成人大片, and report form.

Report Requirements:
A written evaluation of the thesis is to be sent by email to聽thesis@queensu.ca聽at least 5 working days before the defense. This report is not to be shared with the candidate or the supervisor(s) prior to before the oral examination.

It is preferred that all examiners be physically present for the oral thesis examination. However, in certain extenuating circumstances, it is acceptable for the oral thesis examination to be scheduled so that the external examiner from outside of 成人大片 can participate in the oral thesis examination remotely.

Arrangements for the use of remote access services must be made by the graduate department/program. Remote participation of the external examiner must be agreed to by the Department Head and/or Graduate Coordinator, the student, and supervisor(s) of the student, being examined.

The external examiner will receive a $100.00 honorarium and will be reimbursed for travel expenses as per the University's travel policy. Please note that the most reasonable and affordable means of travel and accommodation should be sought. Original itemized travel receipts (including meal receipts) and boarding passes (air and rail travel) are to be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies.聽 Out-of-country examiners are reimbursed in US$, at par with CAN$.

The School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs will cover expenses as follows:

  • travel for an amount up to $800;
  • meals up to maximums specified in the Treasury Board of Canada Joint National Council guidelines (Appendix C travel). Please see for current rates