
The table below outlines key principles, policies, and protocols that are important to be aware of as you start your journey at Queen’s.

Policy Name Description Link to Full Policy

Student Code of Conduct

Queen’s University has a Student Code of Conduct to describe the standard of behaviour to which its students will be held.

Full Policy

Harassment and Discrimination

³ÉÈË´óƬ recognizes that all members of the University community have the right to be free from harassment and discrimination. This includes sexual harassment; harassment based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, creed; and harassment based on sexual orientation or analogous grounds

Full Policy

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response

³ÉÈË´óƬ is committed to maintaining a positive learning, living, and working environment in which Sexual Violence will not be tolerated. This Policy reflects the University's commitment to addressing Sexual Violence

Full Policy


Where to find support

Principles of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity (EDII)

³ÉÈË´óƬ has a strong commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenization. As an equalizer, Queen’s university is making a concerted effort to create a just, equitable, and sustainable society. Our goal is to rely on the transformative power of liberal graduate education, such as that which you will receive at Queen’s, to foster a deep sense of belonging to a common humanity, where everyone is treated as equal in human rights and dignity.

Definitions & Terms


Inclusive Queen's Resources

Academic Accommodations for Students with a Disability

University administration, faculty, staff, and other students are expected to support, to the point of undue hardship, all reasonable individualized and appropriate accommodation plans that preserve the program’s academic standards and adhere to the principles of academic integrity.

SGSPA Policy


Queen's Student Accessibility Services

Short-Term Academic Considerations

This protocol is developed in response to the Queen’s Senate Policy on Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances (approved April 2017) and is intended to outline the general procedure for graduate students to request short-term academic consideration when/if required.

Full Policy


Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is a commitment to behave in accordance with the fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility along with the courage to act on these values in all academic circumstances.

Full Policy

Research Integrity

Research Integrity represents a commitment to strive honestly, openly, and fairly for the best research practices and to report suspected instances of misconduct. Research integrity as a concept applies to all university research – the research integrity policies apply to all research except course-based research which is covered by the relevant academic integrity policy.

Definition & Resources

Research Ethics

Research Ethics concerns the principles and practices that balance the protection of research participants with the legitimate goals of the research enterprise.

Definition & Resources


Indigenous Research Ethics

Building ethical relationships and research partnerships with Indigenous communities takes time. Researchers who wish to engage in research with Indigenous peoples are encouraged to learn about the research priorities of specific communities, and design research collaboratively from the start, rather than invite the community members to participate in a project that has already been shaped.

Definition & Resources


Research Involving First Nations, Inuit & Metis Peoples of Canada

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is defined as any result of intellectual or artistic activity that can be owned by a person. Specifically, this includes inventions, publications, computer software, works of art, industrial and artistic designs, as well as other creations that can be protected under patent, copyright, or trademark laws.

Full Policy

Graduate Supervision

The Guide to Graduate Supervision Handbook provides guidelines to foster productive working relationships between supervisors and graduate students.

Handbook & Resources

Leave of absence

Without prejudice to their academic standing, a graduate student can request and receive a leave of absence from their graduate studies for various reasons (eg maternity and parental, medical, compassionate, gender affirmation)
