

Meeting of the Senate

Thursday 26 February 2009, 3:00 p.m. [Please Note Time Change]
Policy Studies 202

Preliminary Proceedings: Principal Tom Williams will deliver a “Principal’s February Financial Report to the Community” which will be followed by a Q & A. Senators are encouraged to attend. The regular Senate Meeting is expected to begin at 3:30 p.m.

  1. Opening Session

    1. Adoption of Agenda
    2. Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 29 January 2009 (PDF*, 939 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
    3. Business Arising from the Minutes
    4. Chair's Report
    5. Other Reports
      1. [Information]
        Research Report (PDF*, 434 KB) (Appendix B, page 9)
      2. [Information]
        Honorary Degree Recipients Spring and Fall 2009 (Handout)
      3. [Information]
        Inquiry@Queen’s – Oral Report by Senator Remenda
  2. Question Period (Appendix C, page 11)

    1. From Senator J. Welsh, President, SGPS regarding Teaching Fellows (PDF*, 220 KB). Oral response to be provided by Senator Deane, Vice-Principal (Academic)
  3. Reports of Committees

    1. Academic Development (Appendix D, page 12)
      1. [Action]
        Enrolment Plan 2009/2010 – 2010/2011 (PDF*, 361 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Governance Structure of the School of Graduate Studies and Research (PDF*, 509 KB)
    2. Operations Review (Appendix E, page 34)
      1. [Action]
        Amendments to the Senate Rules of Procedures (PDF*, 263 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Recommendation to establish a Principal’s Ad Hoc Committee to draft a “Safe Disclosure Policy” (PDF*, 243 KB)
    3. Residence (Appendix F, page 43)
      1. [Information]
        Annual Report, May 2007-August 2008 (PDF*, 331 KB)
    4. Scholarships and Student Aid (Appendix G, page 46)
      1. [Information]
        New, Revised and Discontinued Awards February 2008-January 2009 (PDF*, 257 KB)
  4. Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges

    None Received

  5. Motions (Appendix H, page 51)

    1. From the Senate Educational Equity Committee regarding support for the naming of the Policy Studies Building in honour of Robert Sutherland (PDF*, 220 KB)
  6. Communications

    None Received

  7. Matters Referred to Standing Committees (Appendix I, page 52)

    1. Proposal to establish a Certificate Program in Geographic Information Science (PDF*, 259 KB) [Referred to the Senate Committee on Academic Development (SCAD) and the Senate Budget Review Committee (SBRC)]
    2. Proposed name change for the Department of Anesthesiology [Referred to the Senate Committee on Academic Development (SCAD)]
  8. Other Business

    None Received

  9. Closed Session

    Not Required


G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate

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