Senate Index of Policies

(Policies approved by the Senate)

Faculty should be aware that any of the following policies may have been superseded by a Collective Agreement. If you have any questions please contact either the Office of the Vice-Principal (Academic) at (32020) or the QUFA office (32151). Policies continue to apply to students, clinical faculty, staff and others not covered by a Collective Agreement.

In the event of any discrepancies between the policy documents approved by the issuing authority and the versions published via this website, the former shall be the governing version.

A-B    C-D    E-G    H-M    N-R    S-Z

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Policy Name Issuing Authority Last Revised
Aboriginal Council Action Plan Senate 2002

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy

     Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Procedure

Senate 2016

Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances Policy

     Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances Procedure

     Academic Consideration Requests for Excused Absence for Significant Event/Activity Procedure (Participating in Sanctioned Events; Distinguished/ Invited Guests; or Student Reserve Forces)

Senate 2017
Academic Integrity Policy Statement Senate 2017
Academic Integrity Procedures - Requirements of Faculties & Schools Senate 2023
Academic Leave Policy, Statement on Senate 1995
Academic Units as Schools at 成人大片, Policy and Procedures for the Designation of Senate 2015
Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy Senate 2014
Adjunct Academic Staff and Academic Assistants, Statement on Senate 1994
Admission for Advanced Study, Basis of Senate 2008
Admission, Policy on Minimum Admission Average Senate 2005

Admission Policy For Indigenous Candidates To First-Entry Undergraduate Programs

Senate 2018
Appointment: Freedom and Responsibility, The University Senate 1992
Appointment of Deans Senate 1971
Appointment of Department Heads Senate 1971
Appointment of Heads of Clinical/Academic Departments Senate 2009
Appointment, Renewal of Appointment, Tenure and Termination for Academic Staff, Regulations Governing Senate 1995
Attendance, Certificates of Senate 2009
Calculators in Tests or Examinations, Use of Senate 2022

Centres, Policy on the Establishment of Research Centres and Institutes 

Senate 2020
Certificate and Diploma Programs Senate 2013
Chairs and Professorships, Establishment & Designation of Named and Funded Senate 2019
Closure of Academic Programs (Undergraduate or Graduate), Policy and Procedure for Senate 2014
Code of Conduct (see Student Code of Conduct under Board of Trustees Policies)    
Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (formerly the Commemoration Day Policy) Senate 2024
Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Senate and Board of Trustees 2001
Designation of Academic Units as Schools at Queen鈥檚 University Senate 2015
Dual Degrees see Second Degrees Senate 1994
Educational Equity Policy Senate 2009
Exam Bank Policy Senate  2023
Exam Disruption Policy Senate 2008
Examination Papers, Student Access to Final see Student Access to Final Examination Papers, Senate Policy on, Senate 1987
Examinations, Identification of Students on Final Senate 2002
Examinations, Pre-Exam Study Period Senate 2002
Faculty Eligibility for Higher Degrees at Queen's Senate 1980
Faculty Jurisdiction With Respect to Student Appeals of Academic Decisions Senate 2005
First-Generation Admission Policy to First-Entry Undergraduate Programs Senate 2017
Freedom to Read at 成人大片, Statement on the Senate 1991
Graduate Supervision Policy Senate 2022
Health Sciences Statement on Promotion Policy for Geographically Full-Time and Adjunct-1 (non-Bargaining Unit) Appointees Senate and Board of Trustees 2004
Honorary Degree Candidates, Policy on the Selection of Senate 2024

Honorary Degree, Policy on Revocation of or Special Statements Concerning

     Procedure for Revocation of or Special Statements Concerning an Honorary Degree

Senate 2022
Honours Degrees: Characteristics and Criteria Senate 1996
Integrity in Research Senate 2018
Language Policy Senate 1989
Mission and Goals Student Affairs Senate 2000
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Policy Senate 2023
Non-Bargaining Unit School of Medicine Academic Staff Grievances Senate 2007
Non-Member Participation at Senate & Senate Committee Meetings Senate 2024
Orientation Policy Senate 2023
Permanent Residents, Policy on Treatment of by Student Awards Senate 2012
Pre-Exam Study Period Senate 2002
Promotion Policy, for Geographically Full-Time and Adjunct-1 (non-Bargaining Unit) Appointees of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Statement on Senate and Board of Trustees 2004
Promotion Policy, Statement on Senate 1994
成人大片 Quality Assurance Processes (PDF*, 1.38 MB) Senate 2022
Reduced Periods of Responsibility Senate 1979
Rescinding Degrees, Policy on Senate 2011
Research, Integrity in see Integrity in Research Senate 2018
Research Plan, Strategic see Strategic Research Plan Senate 2018
Second Degrees Senate 1994
Special Appointees, Statement on Senate 1991
Strategic Research Plan Senate 2018
Student Access to Final Examination Papers, Senate Policy on Senate 1987
Student Code of Conduct (see Student Code of Conduct under Board of Trustees Policies)    

Student Academic Appeals Policy

   Rules of Procedure for University Student Appeal Board

Senate 2021
Student Debtors Senate 1994
Student Names, Policy on Senate 2009
Students with Disabilities, Queen's Policy Concerning Senate 1996
Teaching Assistants Senate 2009
Technology Transfer Senate and Board of Trustees 1993
Temporary Suspension of Admissions to Academic Programs, Recommended Procedures Concerning the Senate 2013
Transcripts, Policy on Scholarships and Awards Appearing on Senate 2010
Transcript Terminology for Students Withdrawing from 成人大片, Policy on Senate 2018
Transfer of Course Credits among Ontario Universities Senate 1995
Vacation Entitlement Senate and Board of Trustees 1983