Procedure for the Implementation of Targeted Hiring

Final Approval Body: SLT

Senior Administrative Body with Responsibility: Associate Vice-Principal Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion

Date Initially Approved: July, 2022

Purpose of Procedure

At Queen’s University, Targeted hiring initiatives aim to remove discriminatory barriers, redress under-representation, and improve opportunities for disadvantaged groups to achieve equal employment opportunities. Implementing these programs is one essential measure by which the university can advance its Indigenization, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Anti-racism (I-EDIAA) commitments.

Targeted hiring initiatives must follow the issued by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. For this purpose, the procedure described below establishes the steps that academics and administrators must follow to launch a Targeted hiring initiative to remove access barriers, correct historical wrongs, and advance their I-EDIAA goals.

Guiding Principles

The implementation of Targeted hiring programs at Queen’s shall be guided by

  • the advancement of Inclusive Excellence,
  • acknowledgment of the intersectionality of social identities, and
  • substantial inclusion and engagement of Equity-deserving groups in developing Targeted hiring programs and other equity-related initiatives.


All academic and administrative units are expected to:

  • consult with the HREO, Faculty Relations, and Human Resources when designing, implementing, and monitoring an Targeted hiring program.
  • indicate the program’s rationale, supporting data, eligibility criteria, and evaluation method. 
  • Complete and submit the to the Office of the Provost (academic hiring) or the Office of the Vice-Principal Finance and Administration (VPFA) (staff hiring) for approval. Refer to Appendix A below.
  • To create and retain a file of all information and evidence relied upon to justify the targeted recruitment for launching a Targeted hiring program.
  • Follow the established ³ÉÈË´óƬ Equity Hiring process.

Ideally, the process of designing a particular program will comprise the following steps:

Step 1 – Planning and consultation

Units are expected to consult with groups or associations that work to remove barriers for Equity-deserving group members to launch Targeted hiring opportunities. Additionally, units should become familiar with the existing Targeted Hiring Policy, Employment Equity Policy and Employment Equity Procedure. During this initial planning stage of the initiative, units are strongly encouraged to contact an equity advisor (Client Intake Equity Form).

Step 2 – Collection and analysis of data

Units should review and explore data available to determine under-representation. For this purpose, units should contact the HREO to request data on representation rates. Data collected for Targeted hiring must be used only for the Targeted hiring program, and for no other purpose.

Step 3 – Program Rationale

This is the reason for which the program is being created. In the rationale, units must identify who will benefit from the program, justify the targeted group(s) or subgroup(s), and explain how and why the program helps relieve hardship, economic disadvantage, inequality, or employment barriers. The rationale must also include the length of the program.

Step 4 – Eligibility criteria

Targeted hiring programs must-have criteria that relate only to the program’s purpose. Units must set eligibility criteria that flow thoroughly from the rationale and are based on data supporting the need to restrict hiring to the targeted group or subgroup members.

Step 5 - Method of identification

Units should provide a suitable method for determining the eligibility of candidates for whose benefit the Targeted hiring program is designed. The Queen’s Equity Appointments Process (QEAP) is an innovative web application that collects, tracks, and reports employment equity data. Units can request access, via an Employment Equity Representative, to the QEAP to determine representation gaps in the department.

Step 6 – Job description and advertising

When implementing a Targeted hiring program, units may need to engage in a targeted recruitment strategy that actively attracts candidates of an under-represented demographic group. For Targeted hiring programs, the job description should include the rationale of the program, the eligibility criteria and the method of identification. The job description should be as broad as possible while noting the essential qualifications and experience. The advertising must use inclusive language and a statement emphasizing that the job is under a Targeted hiring program. The hiring of Indigenous persons with specific sets of responsibilities related to their identity may be subjected to additional criteria or processes outlined by the Office of Indigenous Initiatives.

Step 7 – Implementation plan

Units must develop a plan to implement a Targeted hiring program to recognize and maintain the dignity of the targeted group(s) and effectively retain the new employee/faculty.  The plan must address how Equity-deserving Group members will be integrated into the working environment in a way that will value their contributions and support their success.

Step 8 – Monitoring and evaluation

Units must monitor the program periodically and evaluate the extent to which it ameliorates the disadvantage of its target group(s). The evaluations may include retention rates of employees from Equity-deserving Groups.

The steps described above may be adapted to meet each unit’s I-EDIAA goals and needs.

Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

Targeted Hiring Policy

Implementation Manual for Targeted Hiring Prepared by the Human Rights and Equity Office

Policies Superseded by this Policy: None

Responsible Officer: AVP Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion

Contact: Human Rights and Equity Office

Date for Next Review: 2027