Research Training

The Vice-Principal Research Portfolio offers several types of asynchronous and synchronous training to help Queen's Researchers navigate the tools needed for their project's life cycle. 


A variety of instructional resources are available to help members of the Queen鈥檚 Research Community confidently engage in ethical and compliant research involving human participants.

View Compliance training resources


Training courses developed to provide education on selected topics in the ethical conduct of research with human participants.

View Ethics training resources


The Biohazard Committee requires that the Principal investigator ensure that all personnel have both general and laboratory specific training in the handling of biohazardous material.

View training options at

Financial Services

Financial Services provides training and support to the Queen鈥檚 community for all financial tools that will assist you in your role.

View Financial Services training resources at


The TRAQ website features a variety of training materials for the Tools for Research at Queen's (TRAQ) application.

View module training or contact the support team for system training at

Resources for Research at Queen鈥檚 (R4R@Q)

Resources for Research at Queen鈥檚 (R4R@Q) sessions are designed to help researchers develop the best possible roadmap to success from project conception through to knowledge mobilization.

View videos and presentations from over 30 past sessions. 

View upcoming and past R4R@Q sessions

 Contact Research Training

Aaron Rose

Research Training Officer