³ÉÈË´óƬ Research Discovery Network (QRDN) - FAQ

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 Using the Queen’s Research Discovery Network

Profiles will be available to the following groups:

  • Queen’s Faculty and clinician researchers
  • Librarians/archivists

Yes, you can delegate grant others secure access to your RDN account to update your profile and/or CV information.


Every account provides access to the platform's two main components:

  • Profiles: Create profiles on the network for you, your research group(s), and research resources (e.g., equipment) for discovery by visitors to the network. Note that discoverability is generated by the Research Interest tags on your profile.
  • CV Management: Manage your academic and funding CVs - this includes a full integration with the Canadian Common CV (CCV) and built-in error checks for funding CV templates (e.g., SSHRC, NSERC, etc.)

Research is organized by theme, using the , a standard developed by the Tri-Agency.

To learn more about how research themes will work on the RDN, please consult the section of the UNIWeb Help Centre (by Proximify).

Connections on the RDN are powered by the Research Interest  tags attached to your profile, with anyone using common tags appearing in your Research Connections map.

Besides your profile, you can also add research theme tags to your groups, publications, resources, and research places, increasing your discoverability on the network by ensuring these items appear in users' search results.

To learn more about how tagging will work on the RDN, please consult the section of the UNIWeb Help Centre (by Proximify).


The advantage of the Queen’s Research Discovery Network is in its connecting power, offering Queen’s researchers a leading edge in making research connections, sparking new engagements and increasing external visibility.

It is a networking platform for the institution that:

  • offers a gateway for discovery of Queen's researchers and research expertise
  • bridges disciplinary silos on campus
  • expands upon the networking success of the Translational Institute of Medicine

The vision is that the network becomes the go-to destination for external stakeholders looking for Queen's experts, with visitors from industry, the media, community groups, or prospective graduate/post-graduate students quickly and easily discovering you and your research. Searchability will be enhanced in the tool in the version release scheduled for Summer 2023.

The implementation and ongoing oversight of the RDN service is guided by the following governance groups:

  • Product Ownership is provided by the Associate Director, Research Systems (VPR)
  • Data & Operations is supported by dedicated data analysts and Research Systems Solutions Specialist in the VPR
  • Communications support is coordinated with Manager, Communications and Digital Content (VPR),  University Relations and Media Relations
  • Organization of a Product Advisory Group to support the service in sustainment phase is currently underway. 

After conducting an intensive market scan of available discovery network platforms, including interviews with client institutions across North America, the product governance group evaluated UNIWeb as the most suitable technology to meet Queen’s requirements, including:

  • intelligent/active connections (i.e., system-generated connections, based on common interests)
  • simple, user-friendly interface
  • full integration with the Canadian Common CV (CCV)
  • Canadian vendor preferred, with other Canadian client institutions

To learn more about UNIWeb and its vendor (Proximify), please consult .