Steven Smith
Deputy Vice-Principal Research
355 King St. West, suite 355
For scheduling please contact Jezina Carreiro
Dr. Smith completed his Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry at Western, where he also earned his PhD in 1998. Before joining Queen’s Department of Biochemistry in 2001, Dr. Smith completed postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Oxford as a Burroughs Wellcome Hitchings-Elion fellow and McGill University as CIHR postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Smith has taken on a number of leadership positions while at Queen’s, including acting as the Director of Queen’s Protein Function Discovery Group & Facility and the Director of Research for the Faculty of Health Sciences. He previously served as the Associate Head for the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, and acted as Chair for the Undergraduate Biochemistry Program from 2007-2011 and again from 2014-2017.
As an expert in structural biology and biochemistry, Dr. Smith has made remarkable contributions to Queen’s and the wider scientific community through his research. In 2009, Dr. Smith was recognized for his research excellence with the Chancellor’s Research Award. He is the recipient of the Faculty of Health Science’s Mihran & Mary Basmajian Research Award and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Investigator Award. Dr. Smith’s extensive publication track record attests to his status as a prolific researcher. As an invited speaker, Dr. Smith has presented his work nationally and internationally, including in the U.S.A., Portugal, France, and Israel.
During his time at Queen’s, Dr. Smith has demonstrated his commitment to students’ learning as an exceptional educator. His numerous awards include the Faculty of Health Sciences Education Award and Life Science Student Choice Teaching Award, and he has regularly received the Biochemistry 3rd Year Teaching Award since 2004.