The Beaty Water Research Centre (BWRC) is an interdisciplinary centre dedicated to furthering its key pillars of research, education, and outreach around water-related issues. The BWRC fosters and supports activities under four themes: water governance, water use, water resources and water quality.
- Water governance: climate change, policy, and economy
- Water use: energy, sustainability, and human water relations
- Water resources: lakes and rivers, watersheds, ecosystems, and biodiversity
- Water quality: health, ecotoxicology, and biochemical parameters
The BWRC is currently in the process of building a state-of-the-art facility, which will contain an 8,000 ft2 laboratory to support innovation, and 2,000 ft2 of administrative and collaborative space. Research conducted at the laboratory is supported at the bench and pilot scale. Research conducted in the laboratory feeds into a strategic network of field facilities for further studies, including the Queen鈥檚 Biological Station, the Kennedy Field Station, the Tay River Groundwater Network, and the Loyalist Township Constructed Wetland.
Water plays a vital role in the physical, social, and economic well-being of Canadians and people around the world. This vital role will continue in the future thanks to climate change and population growth.
The BWRC fosters an environment that encourages collaborative research and innovation spanning traditional water-related disciplines, as well as non-traditional and emerging disciplines. This unique interdisciplinary model facilitates the easy transition of new knowledge and innovation into practice.
The BWRC is often approached to assemble teams to tackle complex real-world problems, and currently supports an internationally renowned interdisciplinary team of over 40 experts spanning disciplines in engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, and health sciences. Combined, these researchers have held over $35M in funding over the last five years.
Through strong partnerships with a variety of stakeholders, the BWRC offers a wide range of educational opportunities and internships across disciplines. Training is offered for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as continuing education for professionals. Graduate students have the opportunity to work with experienced researchers from a variety of disciplines.
In the fall of 2019, the BWRC launched the first of four accredited online diploma programs. The Graduate Diploma in Water and Human Health is designed to give recent graduates and professionals an enhanced understanding of the role of water in driving health outcomes and ultimately the sustainability of populations and communities. Courses offered through the BWRC bridge the gap between disciplines, theory, and real-world application for all students.
The BWRC also delivers enhanced learning experiences for primary and secondary school students, and the public. Its outreach programs are delivered in collaboration with public health authorities, nature conservation authorities, and various school boards. Each program is designed to bring water knowledge and sharing to the greater community.