

Meeting of the Senate

Thursday 26 November 2009, 3:00 p.m. [Please note time change]
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202

Preliminary Proceedings: Principal’s Financial Update delivered by Principal Woolf, followed by a Q & A. Senators are encouraged to attend. The regular Senate Meeting is expected to begin at 3:30 p.m.

  1. Opening Session

    1. Adoption of Agenda
    2. Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 22 October 2009 (PDF*, 340 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
    3. Business Arising from the Minutes
      1. [Information]
        Vice-Principal (Research) will provide an oral response to question regarding Canada Research Chairs Tier 2 equity provisions
    4. Chair's Report
    5. [Information]
      Other Reports
      1. Research Report (PDF*, 474 KB) (Appendix B, page 10)
      2. Council of Ontario Universities (COU) Meeting (PDF*, 2,017 KB) of October 16, 2009 (Appendix C, page 14)
      3. November 2009 Enrolment Report (PDF*, 2,072 KB) (Appendix D, page 30)
      4. Associate VP and Dean of Student Affairs – Annual Report 08-09 (PDF*, 6,316 KB) (Appendix E, page 45)
      5. Campus Planning and Development Report (PDF*, 350 KB) (Appendix F, page 53)
      6. Teaching Awards 2008-2009 (PDF*, 288 KB) (Appendix G, page 62)
      7. International Tuition Fees (PDF*, 313 KB) (Appendix H, page 70)
  2. Question Period (Appendix I, page 74)

    1. Response from C. Conway, Director of Institutional Research and Planning, to question about Teaching Assistantships (PDF*, 553 KB)
    2. Response to question about the Diversity Advisor (PDF*, 232 KB)
    3. Question submitted by Senator Christie about faculty positions (PDF*, 232 KB)
    4. Question submitted by Senator Stevens about staff positions (PDF*, 232 KB)
  3. Reports of Committees

    1. Academic Development (Appendix J, page 77)
      1. [Action]
        Women’s Studies Departmental Name Change (PDF*, 631 KB)
    2. Academic Procedures (Appendix K, page 80)
      1. [ Action ]
        Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates 2009 Convocations (PDF*, 670 KB)
    3. Educational Equity (Appendix L, page 81)
      1. [ Action ]
        Revised Policy (PDF*, 828 KB)
    4. Nominating (Appendix M, page 91) 
      1. [ Action ]
        Elections (PDF*, 243 KB)
    5. Operations Review (Appendix N, page 92)
      1. [ Action ]
        Composition of the Senate – Referral back to committee (PDF*, 232 KB)

    Senate will move into Informal Session (30 minutes)

      1. [Discussion]
        Proposal for a University Planning Committee (PDF*, 1,059 KB)

    Senate will resume its Regular Business

    1. Orientation Activities Review Board (Appendix O, page 97)
      1. [Information]
        Orientation Report 2009 (PDF*, 433 KB)
  4. Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges (Appendix P, page 103)

    1. Orientation Reports
      1. [Information]
        Education, Law, Medicine and the School of Graduate Studies and Research (PDF*, 1,507 KB)
  5. Motions

    None Received

  6. Communications (Appendix Q, page 109)

    1. [Information]
      From School of Graduate Studies and Research regarding Master of Engineering Program (PDF*, 657 KB)
  7. Matters Referred to Standing Committees (Appendix R, page 110)

    1. Review of the AMS “Operations Report: Judicial Affairs Office (PDF*, 361 KB) [referred to Senate Committee on Non-Academic Discipline (SONAD)]
    2. Proposed Changes to Terms of Reference of Senate Committee on Academic Procedures (SCAP) (PDF*, 452 KB) [Referred to Senate Operations Review Committee (SORC) and Senate Committee on Non-Academic Discipline (SONAD)]
  8. Other Business

    None Received

  9. Closed Session

    Not Required


G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate

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