


Tuesday, 22 May 2012, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202

Immediately preceding the Senate meeting: Open Session on Balanced Budget 2012-2013
Time: 2:30-3:30 pm Location: Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202

  1. Opening Session

    1. Adoption of Agenda
    2. Adoption of the Minutes of the meeting of 17 April 2012  (PDF*, 565 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
    3. Business Arising from the Minutes
    4. Principal's Report (Appendix B, page 12)
      1. Schedule Highlights April-May 2012 (PDF*, 544 KB)
    5. Provost's Report
    6. COU Academic Colleague's Report (Appendix C, page 14)
      1. Council of Ontario Universities (COU) Meeting of April 20, 2012 (PDF*, 279 KB)
  2. Question Period

    (Appendix D, page 17)
    1. Admission requirements for mature students and the reasons for abolishing on-campus classes option - submitted by Senator Notash (PDF*, 263 KB)
    2. Question about Queen's Non-Academic Discipline Review- submitted by Senator Morelli (PDF*, 284 KB)
  3. Reports of Committees (Action items first)

    1. Academic Development (Appendix E, page 19)
      1. [Action]
        Proposal to introduce a New Graduate Field in the Art History PhD Program: Studies in Art History and Art Conservation (PDF*, 1822 KB)
      2. Interim Report on Procedures for the Suspension of Admissions to Academic Programs (PDF*, 358 KB)
    2. Advisory Research (Appendix F, page 44)
      1. [Action]
        Queen's Institute for Energy & Environmental Policy (PDF* ,428 KB)
      2. 成人大片 Strategic Research Plan 2012-2017 (PDF*, 1792 KB)
    3. Nominating (Appendix G, page 121)
      1. [Action]
        Elections (PDF*, 395 KB)
    4. Scholarships and Student Aid(Appendix H, page 124)
      1. [Action]
        Revisions to Renewable Awards Policy  (PDF*, 488 KB)
      2. Policy on Treatment of Permanent Residents (PDF*, 353 KB)
    5. Internal Academic Review(Appendix I, page 133)
      1. [Action]
        Theology Programs in Queen's School of Religion  (PDF*, 599 KB)
    6. Creative Arts and Public Lectures(Appendix J, page 148)
      1. Annual Report 2011-2012 (PDF*, 280 KB)
    7. Educational Equity(Appendix K, page 150)
      1. Annual Report 2011-2012  (PDF*, 561KB)
    8. Operations Review(Appendix L, page 153)
      1. [Information]
        Report to Senate (PDF*, 268 KB)
  4. Reports of Faculties

    1. None received
  5. Motions

    (Appendix M, page 155)
    1. [Action]
      That Senate endorse the statement by CAUT and QULA concerning Access Copyright - submitted by Senator Jones (PDF*, 843 KB)
  6. Communications and Reports Submitted to Senate

    1. Board of Trustees Meeting, May 4, 2012 (PDF*, 279 KB) (Appendix N, page 159)
    2. University Council Meeting, May 5, 2012 (PDF*, 274 KB) (Appendix O, page 161)
    3. Research Report (PDF*, 424 KB) (Appendix P, page 162)
  7. Matters Referred to Standing Committees

    1. Clarification of the application of the Senate Policy on Non-Member Participation to Subcommittees of Senate Committees [Referred to the Senate Operations Review Committee (SORC)] 
    2. Senate minutes corrections process [Referred to the Senate Operations Review Committee(SORC)] 
  8. Other Business

    1. None received
  9. Closed Session

    1. Not required

    G. Moore

    Secretary of the Senate


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