

Meeting of the Senate

Thursday 25 November 2010, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202

  1. Opening Session

    1. Adoption of Agenda
    2. Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 20 October 2010 (PDF*, 548 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
    3. Business Arising from the Minutes
    4. Principal’s Report
    5. [Information]
      Provost's Report
      1. Operational and Budget Update by Provost
      2. International Tuition Fees (PDF*, 314 KB) (Appendix B, page 8)
      3. [Action]
        Queen’s University Quality Assurance Processes (QUQAPs) (PDF*, 894 KB) (Appendix C, page 13)
      4. [Discussion]
        Queen’s Participation in Ranking Exercises – Presentation by C. Conway, Director, Institutional Research and Planning
    6. [Information]
      Other Reports
      1. November 2010 Final Enrolment Report (PDF*, 1,223 KB) (Appendix D, page 44)
      2. Council of Ontario Universities (COU) Meeting of October 22, 2010 (PDF*, 864 KB) – Academic Colleague’s Report to Senate (Appendix E, page 59)
      3. Campus Planning and Development Report (PDF*, 657 KB) (Appendix F, page 77)
      4. Teaching Awards 2009-2010 (PDF*, 578 KB) (Appendix G, page 85)
      5. Research Report (PDF*, 685 KB) (Appendix H, page 91)
  2. Question Period (Appendix I, page 94)

    1. Questions from Senator Christie (PDF*, 266 KB) to Principal Woolf on the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario Report (HEQCO) on University Specialization – Oral response to be provided by Principal Woolf
  3. Reports of Committees

    1. Academic Development (Appendix J, page 95)
      1. [Action]
        Development of the Academic Plan (PDF*, 905 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Proposal to Establish The Borden Professorship (PDF*, 381 KB) in Queen’s School of Business
      3. [Action]
        Proposal to Establish the Donald and Joan McGeachy Chair (PDF*, 433 KB) in Biomedical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    2. Academic Procedures (Appendix K, page110)
      1. [Action]
        Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, 2009 and 2010 Convocations (PDF*, 283 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Revision to Policy on Rescinding Degrees (PDF*, 265 KB)
      3. [Action]
        Policy on the Definition of a Full-Time Student (PDF*, 266 KB)
    3. Advisory Research (Appendix L, page 113)
      1. [Action]
        Proposed Name Change for Centre for the Study of Democracy (PDF*, 341 KB)
      2. [Action]
        Development of a Process for Review and Revisions of the Queen’s Strategic Research Plan (PDF*, 376 KB)
    4. Nominating (Appendix M, page 118)
      1. [Action]
        Elections (PDF*, 277 KB)
    5. Operations Review (Appendix N, page 120)
      1. [Information]
        Scheduling of Regular Senate Meetings – Notice of Motion (PDF*, 270 KB)
      2. [Information]
        Functions of the Senate – Notice of Motion (PDF*, 294 KB)
      3. [Action]
        Policy regarding publicizing Senators’ Email Addresses (PDF*, 266 KB)
    6. Orientation Activities Review Board (Appendix O, page 127)
      1. [Information]
        Annual Report to Senate on Orientation 2010 (PDF*, 425 KB)
    7. Principal’s Ad Hoc Committee to Draft a Safe Disclosure Policy (Appendix P, page 134)
      1. [Action]
        Policy and Procedures for Safe Disclosure reporting and investigation (PDF*, 410 KB)
    8. Queen’s University Planning
      1. [Information]
        Oral Update by Provost
    9. University Council on Athletics and Recreation (Appendix Q, page 144)
      1. [Information]
        Annual Report September 1, 2009 – August 31, 2010 (PDF*, 681 KB)
  4. Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges (Appendix R, page 158)

    1. [Information]
      Orientation Reports from Education (PDF*, 283 KB), Law (PDF*, 272 KB), Medicine (PDF*, 330 KB) and the School of Graduate Studies (PDF*, 299 KB)
  5. Motions (Appendix S, page 164)

    1. [Action]
      Motions proposed by Senator Jones (PDF*, 254 KB) specific to Queen’s Academic Plan
  6. Communications

    None Received

  7. Matters Referred to Standing Committees (Appendix T, page 165)

    1. Request for Formal Centre status for the Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research (ePower) (PDF*, 4,001 KB) [Referred to the Senate Advisory Research Committee (SARC)]
  8. Other Business

    None Received

  9. Closed Session

    Not Required


Senators and Senate attendees: Please join us immediately after the meeting for an end-of-term /good luck-in-exams/holiday treats reception in the foyer outside room 202 Robert Sutherland Hall.


G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate

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