Research Contracts Procedures

Contact Officer: Director, Industry Partnerships - Vice-Principal (Research) Portfolio


The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps to execute Research Contracts once a sponsor has confirmed the availability of funding and its desire to collaborate with the University.



Responsible Officer/Section Process
Principal Investigator
  1. Submit proposed research collaboration and/or proposed Research Contract to the Research Contracts Unit for review and negotiation of a binding Research Contract by a member of the .  This submission must be done electronically through (Tools for Research Administration at Queen's).
Department and-or Faculty Approval Authority(ies)

NOTE:  Research conducted in any of the affiliated hospitals (KGH, HDH, Providence Care) must also have minimum approval from the appropriate hospital director

  1. Electronically approve research collaboration for submission to the Research Contracts Unit via TRAQ.
Principal Investigator
  1. If proposed research collaboration is approved by Department and/or Faculty, initiate and obtain project certifications as required.
Industry Partnerships - Research Contracts Unit


  1. Following receipt of approved research collaboration via TRAQ, review and revise as required proposed Research Contract (if provided in Step 1) OR draft Research Contract specific to proposed collaboration.  Negotiate terms of Research Contract and supporting documents (if any) with sponsor(s), collaborators (if any), PI and any other third parties if required.  Prepare document(s) agreed to by all parties for signing pending receipt of project certifications from PIs. 
  2. If the proposed Research Contract or collaboration involves an international student exchange, the VPR Portfolio will work with the International Office as applicable.
VP Research or delegate (Director, Industry Partnerships)
  1. Sign finalized Research Contract in accordance with Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices.


Note: If the Research Contract involves a third party (KGH, additional Partner), the third party's approval and signature by the third party's signing authority is also required on the approved Research Contract.


Date Approved:  May 8, 2015

Approval Authority: Vice-Principal, Research

Date of Commencement: May 2015

Amendment Dates:

Date for Next Review

Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines:  Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices