Employment Contracts Procedures

Contact Officer for Non-Academic Employment Contracts: Director, Client Service Team, Human Resources
Academic Employment Contracts: Deputy Provost


The purpose of this procedure is to describe the process to be followed to execute Employment Contracts (academic and non-academic).

Procedure - Hiring Non-academic Staff 

Organizational Unit

  1. Once a need to hire non-academic staff is identified, obtain approval to hire in accordance with the HR procedure to . 

  2. If the position is a Research position, refer to . 

  3. For Casual Staff and Student Employees,  must be used to collect the required information and approvals for hiring.  Subsequent hours worked must be approved through duly authorized timesheets. 

  4. Working with Human Resources or Faculty Relations, and other internal committees as appropriate, finalize job description, conduct search and select candidate. 

  5. In most cases, the signed offer of employment is the Employment Contract.  Employment Contracts must be signed in accordance with the Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices.  The Human Resources Committee of the Board must approve the Principal's contract.

Any adjustment to the level of compensation of a staff person must be approved in accordance with the levels required in the Employment Contract (Non-Academic Staff) Signing Authority matrix.  

Procedure - Hiring Academic Staff 

Organizational Unit

  1. Requests for approval to hire academic staff are submitted as part of the staffing plan within a Faculty/School's budget submission during the annual budgeting cycle.   The Provost's Office will issue a memo confirming approved positions once the budget is finalized.   

  2. Any new, in-year, academic staff hiring requests, outside of the annual budgeting cycle, should follow a process whereby a proposal is sent to the Provost's Office for review.  Such a proposal must:

    If approved, the Provost's Office will issue a memo confirming approval.

    • Demonstrate that the position will align with the Unit/Faculty's priorities;
    • Assess the financial sustainability of the position, including opportunities, dependencies, and risks, if any;
    • Document the impact of the position on the plans of the Unit/Faculty, as well as demonstrate alignment with the university's Strategic Framework;
    • And must also clarify how the above three points relate back to the previously submitted annual budget and staffing plan.
  1. Any compensation adjustments for academic staff, occurring outside of the academic merit process, must be submitted to the Provost's Office for review.  These proposals must:

    If approved, the Provost's Office will issue a letter, referring to the original employment contract, confirming approval.

    1. Demonstrate the need for the salary adjustment;
    2. Assess the financial sustainability of the proposed adjustment, including opportunities, dependencies, and risk, if any;
    3. Document the impact of the proposed adjustment on the plans of the Unit/Faculty, as well as demonstrate alignment with the university's Strategic Framework;
    4. Document how the salary adjustment will be funded. 
  2. Requests to advertise approved positions must be submitted to the Provost's Office, along with the text of the draft advertisement, and must reference the relevant approval memo (see 1 and 2 above).

  3. The Faculty/School will conduct a search and select candidate, in a manner consistent with the relevant articles of the University's Collective Agreement with QUFA or Senate documents related to clinical appointments.

  4. The signed offer of employment is the Employment Contract.  Employment Contracts must be signed in accordance with the Policy on Approval and Execution of Contracts and Invoices.


Date Approved:  May 8, 2015

Approval Authority: Vice-Principals' Operations Committee 

Date of Commencement: May 2015

Amendment Dates:

Date for Next Review

Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines: