Procedure for the Erection of Additional Flagpoles

Contact Officer:


This procedure clarifies the procedure to be followed in order for additional flagpoles to be erected on campus.


Approval must first be sought from the Vice-Principals’ Operations Committee (VPOC) with a detailed rationale for the erection of a new flagpole site, including identification of which flag is to be flown from the flagpole in question.

The following criteria must be met in order for a request to be considered:

a) Flagpoles must not exceed a height of 8 metres above natural ground level.

b) Distance between flagpoles placed close to each other should be a minimum of 1.8 metres.

c) The location of flagpoles shall be appropriate within the context of the surrounding area and shall not interfere with trees, vegetation, overhead lines or cables, manoeuvring of vehicles, pedestrian access areas, easements or public thoroughfares.

d) Ropes, pulleys and stays must be secured so as not to cause noise nuisance.


Office of the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) Step 1: 

Office of the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) will vet the request through the Vice-Principals’ Operations Committee (VPOC) and inform the Office of the Principal of the request, including proposed location and type of flag to be flown.  Normally, the only permanent installation of a flag shall be the National Flag of Canada or the Queen’s Tricolour Flag.  Exceptions must be approved by VPOC.

Step 2: 

The Office of the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) will then bring the request for the new location of the flagpole to the Campus Master Plan Advisory Committee.

Step 3: 

The Office of the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration) will request that PPS provide a quotation and the parameters of the construction.  If approved, the quotation and approval will be sent to the applicant and, should sufficient funding be available, the flagpole will be approved.

Principal's Office

Step 4:

After the flagpole has been approved, the Office of the Principal will be informed (via the Executive Assistant to the Principal) of the confirmed location of the flagpole and the type of flag to be flown, so that it can be added to the list of official Queen’s flagpoles maintained by the Office of the Principal, which further informs which flags are to be lowered at half-mast and when.

Date Approved: April 8, 2019

Approval Authority: VPOC

Date of Commencement: April 8, 2019

Related Policies: Flag Policy