Part 2: Academic Consideration for Students participating in Sanctioned Events or as Distinguished Guests Procedure

Contact Officer: Jennifer Dods, Executive Director, Student Wellness Services


This procedure accompanies the university’s Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances Policy (2017) and outlines the steps to be taken to promote consistent, fair and reasonable response to requests for academic consideration to students for a range of circumstances.

Privacy and confidentiality will be protected and maintained throughout this process to the extent possible. Information may be shared among university personal (e.g. faculty offices, instructors, exams office) on a need to know basis for the purpose of arranging academic considerations. Confidentiality cannot be maintained where there is reason to believe that an individual may be at risk of harming themselves or others.

Faculties/Schools have identified individuals in their offices whom students can contact to facilitate a request for academic consideration. This individual is usually located in the student services office or program office. Students should contact their Faculty/School Office for more information.

Appeals related to academic considerations should follow current Faculty / School appeal process. The Office of the University Ombudsmen is also a resource for independent, impartial and confidential advice.


Invited or Required Participation in Sanctioned Events or as Distinguished Guest On occasion a student may represent the university through participation in an official university sanctioned athletic event or as a distinguished invited guest at a non-university event. These events require students to be absent from campus for a short period of time and limit their ability to meet academic obligations.

Queen’s Varsity Athletics Events: This applies to a varsity athletics team or club member participating in a significant event (e.g. provincial, national, or international competitions) where student participation is essential to the success of the team. All requests related to athletic events must first be approved by a member of the Athletics & Recreation senior management team or delegate before being brought to the Faculty / School Office for final approval.

Distinguished or Invited Guest: This applies to a student who is invited to showcase an exceptional achievement, talent, or ability on a provincial, national or international stage. Participation in these events would highlight the talent of Queen’s students. Requests for academic consideration for participation in these events require additional documentation and should be brought directly to the Office of the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs.

Students participating in a Significant Event

Students who are representing the University through participation in a University sanctioned athletic event or as a distinguished guest will need to complete a Significant Event Request form.

  1. Complete the top half of the Request for Excused Absence for Significant Event Participation form and bring it to the appropriate university professional for completion and signature.
  2. For events where a student is participating as a member of a Queen‘s Athletics varsity team or club, the form should be brought to the Coordinator, Athlete Services – Retention for signature.
  3. For events where a student is an invited or distinguished guest, the form along with supplemental documentation describing the event, the invitation to participate, and details regarding nominating/selection process should be brought to the Office of the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs for signature. Attach any relevant documentation to the Request for Excused Absence for Significant Event form.
  4. Submit the completed form to the Faculty/School office.
  5. If approved, complete and/or submit the academic work per the consideration granted. In some cases, considerations may require a student to complete course assignment prior to being absent for the event.

Faculty Members: Instructors or Supervisors who receive a Request for Excused Absence for Significant Event form

When contacted by the Faculty/School Office or by a student regarding a Significant Event Request form.

  1. Consult with the Faculty/ School Office to discuss event as needed.
  2. Assess the circumstances and provide short-term arrangements, as appropriate, while maintaining essential academic requirements and standards

Faculty/School Offices

Develop a protocol that informs faculty, staff and students regarding the process for students who submit a Request for Excused Absence for Significant Event. If a student contacts the Faculty/School Office directly related to a request to participate in a sanctioned athletic event or as an invited distinguished guest:

  1. Recognize the university’s ‘good-faith’ approach.
  2. Request the student complete the Request for Excused Absence for Significant Event form, have it signed by the appropriate party and then return it to the Faculty / School Office.
  3. Respond as appropriate This may include reviewing the documentation, determining any additional information needed, emailing all instructors involved, consulting with instructors and department program advisors, and providing academic advising to the student.
  4. Keep a written record of interactions with the student, the outcome, and action taken to support the student, including only personal details of the student’s extenuating circumstances that are essential to the context. Paper and electronic records should be securely stored in a location to be determined by Faculty/School protocol and confidentially destroyed per the university’s records schedule. Documentation collected as part of this policy will not be part of a student’s permanent academic record.
  5. Support the co-ordination of academic considerations across courses and instructors.
  6. Protect privacy and confidentiality throughout this process to the extent possible. Information may be shared among university personal (e.g. instructors or supervisors, exams office) on a need to know basis for the purpose of arranging academic considerations.

School of Graduate Studies (SGS)

In the event that an instructor or supervisor does not assent to the request for academic consideration made by a graduate student, academic consideration may nonetheless be granted, unless the instructor or supervisor provides justifiable reasons for withholding his or her assent. The decision to grant or deny the academic consideration shall be made by the Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

Athletics and Recreation

If a student, coach or athletics staff believes that academic consideration for a sanctioned athletic event is warranted given the nature of the event:

  1. Request the student athlete complete the Request for Excused Absence for Significant Event form, and bring it to the Coordinator, Athlete Services – Retention for review and signature if approved.
  2. Verify the event, the student’s participation in the event, and that the nature of the event meets the policy guidelines
  3. Sign the form if request is supported and direct student to take the signed form to their Faculty office and/or instructors (depending on Faculty / School protocol)
  4. Keep a written record of of the request and decision made. Documentation collected as part of this policy will not be part of a student’s permanent academic record.
  5. Support the co-ordination of academic considerations across courses and instructors as required, in collaboration with Faculty / School Offices or faculty and staff.
  6. Protect privacy and confidentiality throughout this process to the extent possible. Information may be shared among university personal on a need to know basis for the purpose of arranging academic considerations.

Office of the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs

If contacted by a student regarding a request for academic consideration due to participation in an event as an invited, distinguished guest:

  1. Request the student complete the Request for Excused Absence for Significant Event form, and bring it to the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Student Affairs for review and signature if approved.
  2. Verify the event, the student’s participation in the event, documentation related to the event, and that the nature of the event meets the policy guidelines
  3. Consult with Faculty / School offices as needed to discuss excused absence as appropriate.
  4. Sign the form if request is supported and direct student to take the signed form to their Faculty office and/or instructors (depending on Faculty / School protocol)
  5. Keep a written record of of the request and decision made. Documentation collected as part of this policy will not be part of a student’s permanent academic record.
  6. Support the co-ordination of academic considerations across courses and instructors as required, in collaboration with Faculty / School Offices or faculty and staff.
  7. Protect privacy and confidentiality throughout this process to the extent possible. Information may be shared among university personal on a need to know basis for the purpose of arranging academic considerations. Contact the appropriate Faculty/School Office, and any support unit, as appropriate, to facilitate the academic consideration process.
  8. Documentation collected as part of this policy will not be part of a student’s permanent academic record.
Date Approved April 18, 2017
Approval Authority Senate
Date of Commencement 2017 April 18
Amendment Dates N/A
Date for Next Review 2018 April 18
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Academic Consideration for Students in Extenuating Circumstances Policy (2016)