Fall and Winter Term Reading Weeks

Received by Senate in January, 2023


The Senate Committee on Academic Development and Procedures (SCADP) struck a task force in September 2021 to evaluate the Fall Term break pilot period and make recommendations to SCADP and Senate on the Fall Term break. The task force included members from across the university, including students and representatives of faculties, schools, and central units. The group met frequently and undertook extensive research and consultation. Fall term break practices at peer institutions were reviewed.

At the November Senate meeting, the task force recommended that a four-day Fall Term break immediately following Thanksgiving Monday, with the start of classes the Tuesday after Labour Day, be implemented for the four direct-entry programs, as well as other Queen鈥檚 programs where practicable. The motion was adopted and put in place beginning with the 2022-23 academic year.
As part of its review of the Fall Term break, the task force made further recommendations, which are now brought to Senate.


In its discussion of both the Fall Term break and the Winter Term Reading Week, the task force noted that there was no statement of purpose for either pause in the offering of classes. The task force Report argued that a statement of purpose was important to guide instructors, students, and staff in their approach to the week and to establish expectations for what academic activities might be included or excluded during this pause.


The task force recommended the following statement of purpose be used to define the Fall Term break and, by extension, the Winter Term Reading Week:

Statement of Purpose

The Fall Term break is a pause from regular academic activities for undergraduate programs in Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, and in the Bachelor of Commerce, and Bachelor of Health Sciences (the BHSc) and to graduate courses where possible.

Depending on individual needs, it is an opportunity for students to:

  • Rest, regroup, practice self-care to support mental and physical health;
  • Review previous course work;
  • Prepare for the remainder of the term; and for
  • Personal preparation and skills development.

SCADP discussed these issues at its meeting on December 2, 2022. The committee recommends the following actions and motions.

Recommended Actions to Support Fall/Winter Reading Week Statement of Purpose

There will be no scheduled classes, practical sessions, academic deliverables, or expectations that academic work be completed specifically during the Fall/Winter Term breaks.


  1. An exception can be made for academic activities that require multiple days of travel outside of campus and for activities in programs or sections that provide an academic break at a different time in the academic calendar.
  2. The statements above apply to academic courses taken by graduate students, but do not apply to thesis work or teaching assistantships.