成人大片 University Board-Senate Advisory Committee

Approved by the Senate, February 21, 2017

Approved by the Board of Trustees, March 3, 2017



The Queen鈥檚 University Board-Senate Advisory Committee (QUBSAC) is a joint committee of the University Senate and the Board of Trustees. Its primary purpose and mandate will be to ensure sound Board-Senate relations and provide advice to the administration regarding the communication and consultation structures to be employed during the development or renewal of strategic and foundational documents.

In fulfilling this purpose, QUBSAC should not duplicate the work of any other standing or ad hoc committee or body within the University, and should refrain from undertaking tasks within the mandates of others but may raise issues, questions and concerns that affect the strategic direction of the University and refer the study of them to appropriate bodies within the University鈥檚 governance structure as necessary.

QUBSAC meets annually, but may meet more often at the call of the Chair or upon agreement of the membership as circumstances require.


QUBSAC is responsible for the following:

  1. Acting as a sounding board for the Principal, providing advice and feedback as requested from time to time. QUBSAC is not confined to commenting on current initiatives of the Board, the Senate or the Administration, but is empowered to identify new or emerging issues confronting or having the potential to face the University and to impact its direction and focus. QUBSAC may survey or otherwise gather views of the Queen鈥檚 Community for the purpose of providing advice to the Principal.
  2. Approving the agenda for the annual Board-Senate Retreat. It may, but is not required to, strike an ad hoc committee to undertake the work of developing a proposal for consideration and approval. Such committee, where utilized, would be best served by a composition of an equal number of Trustees and Senators.


Elected :

  • Four members elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student senator, one of whom shall be a faculty senator, one of whom shall be a Dean (selected by the Deans) and one of whom may, or may not be a Senator.
  • Three members appointed by and from the Board of Trustees.

Ex-Officio :

  • Principal and Vice-Chancellor
  • Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)
  • Chair of the Board of Trustees, or delegate
  • Rector

The Chair is appointed annually by the Board of Trustees from among the Trustee and Senator members. The Board鈥檚 Governance and Nominating Committee will consult with the Senate鈥檚 Governance and Nominating Committee prior to making a recommendation in this regard.

Total membership: 11

Membership Status Term Ends
P. Deane Ex Officio  
T. Shearer Ex Officio  
O. Crawford-Lem Ex Officio  
M. Wilson Trider Ex Officio  
F. Quadir Appointed Aug-2025
L. Balog Appointed Aug-2025
D. Shah Appointed Aug-2025
Y. Williams Appointed Jun-2025
A. Butler  Appointed May-2024
C. Steer Appointed Jun-2024

Chair: A. Butler