New Programs: Guidance and Templates

The Queen’s University Quality Assurance Processes (QUQAP) outlines the protocols for developing new academic programs which applies to both new undergraduate and graduate programs. The protocols are used to secure the academic standards of new programs and to assure their ongoing improvement.

The approval processes are drawn from and align with the established by the Ontario Quality Council, but they also include requirements established specifically by Queen’s University for all undergraduate and graduate programs.

Once approved to commence, a brief description of each new program are posted on the QUQAP website.

Meeting dates for all Faculty Boards, Graduate Councils along with GSEC, SCADP, Senate, Appraisal Committee, and Quality Council are available here: Meeting Dates and Submission Deadlines

New Program Approval Process

New Undergraduate Programs (pdf, 304 KB)

New Graduate Programs (pdf, 307 KB)

Expedited Approvals (Quality Council's Appraisal Committee final approval body) (pdf, 293 KB)

Expedited Approvals (Senate final approval body) (pdf, 292 KB)

Flowchart of Process

New Undergraduate Approval Process Flowchart (pdf, 72 KB)

New Graduate Approval Process Flowchart (pdf, 89 KB)

Undergraduate Expedited Approval Process Flowchart (pdf, 89 KB)

Graduate Expedited Approval Process Flowchart (pdf, 89 KB)


Timeline - New Programs (Undergraduate & Graduate) (pdf, 165KB)

Timeline - Expedited Approvals (Quality Council's Appraisal Committee final approval body) (pdf, 124 KB)

Timeline - Expedited Approvals (Senate final approval body) (pdf, 170 KB)

New Program Templates

Please contact for the following templates 
New  Program Pre-Approval Template
New Program Proposal Template
New Program: Review Team Nominations and Ranking Template
New Program: Review Team Report Template
New Program: Internal Response to Review Team Report Template
New For-Credit (UG) Certificate Proposal: Expedited Approval Submission Form
 New (UG) Diploma Proposal: Expedited Approval Submission Form
New (GRAD) Diploma Proposal: Expedited Approval Submission Form
New Program: Five-Year Progress Report
Budget Module
Budget Template