Timetabling and Administrative Guidance as set out in the Collective Agreement

The Queen鈥檚-QUFA Collective Agreement provides definitions and principles of timetabling in Appendix I and Article 37.2.8, excerpted in the menu below. Definitions of Tier 1, 2, and 3 requests and process guidelines are also outlined below.

Principles of Timetabling - Appendix I

Last Updated: December 2020


Definition: A coordination of people, courses and physical space, within a defined period of time.

Principles: An effective timetable involves adherence to the designated time scheme, meaning that:

(a) All courses held within the time period covered by the slot system should conform to the slot system.

(b) Instructors should honour the approved slot system by timely commencement and termination of classes.

(c) All slots are considered equally in the timetabling process.

1. People:

(a) Instructor

Definition: All those individuals involved in teaching all or part of a course.


  • The timetable must not conflict with an instructor鈥檚 other teaching assignments.
  • The University is subject to the requirements of the Human Rights Code, including a prohibition on discrimination in employment and a duty to accommodate.
  • The University will make a reasonable effort to support the requests of the Members concerning the scheduling of teaching based on the Member鈥檚 research responsibilities, other academic responsibilities, or because the Member is a member of an 鈥渆quity-seeking group鈥 (as defined in Article 24.1.2 of the Agreement) for whom timetabling poses a barrier.
  • To the extent that circumstances permit, the timetable should allow for continuous blocks of time for research.
  • Where possible, a Member鈥檚 preferences concerning the scheduling of teaching will be supported.
  • All timetabling arrangements for faculty must conform to the terms of the Agreement, including without limitation, Article 37.2.8 regarding Member Timetabling requests.
  • To the extent that it is possible, the pedagogical needs of a course should determine the type of time slot used or assigned.

(b) Students

Definition: Individuals enrolled in a course for credit, part-time or full-time.


  • In accordance with the Human Rights Code, the University has a duty to afford students a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities without discrimination; and a duty to accommodate. To the extent that it is possible, the timetable should facilitate the widest range of program selections within each Faculty.
  • To the extent that it is possible, the timetable should allow for organized oncampus extracurricular activities.
  • The timetable should provide a designated amount of time to move between classes.

2. Course Selections:

Core The timetable should avoid conflicts among concentration courses necessary for the completion of a program of study at Queen鈥檚. This principle is of paramount importance and should supersede the attempt to avoid conflicts among elective courses.
Elective Whenever possible, the timetable should facilitate the availability of the widest range of elective courses for students. It is understood, however, that the number of elective possibilities offered in any year makes this aim difficult to achieve.

3. Physical Space:

  • The inventory of physical space (i.e., class and lab space) and the classroom assignment process, should meet the pedagogical needs of instructors.
  • The timetable should optimize space utilization.

Principles of Timetabling - Article 37.2.8

Last Updated: December 2020

Within the constraints of its responsibility to make timetabling arrangements for its academic programs in a timely manner and in accordance with the policies and practices established by the University Timetable Committee (as described in Article 37.3), the University acknowledges that: it is subject to the Human Rights Code (including nondiscrimination in employment on prohibited grounds and a duty to accommodate) in connection with a Member's request concerning the scheduling of their teaching; and, it will make a reasonable effort to support a Member's request regarding scheduling based on the Member's research responsibilities or other Academic Responsibilities, or because the Member is a member of an "equity-seeking group"(as defined in Article 24.1.2 of the Agreement) for whom timetabling poses a barrier.

Members Scheduling Requests: Tiers Tool for University Timetable Committee

Type of Request Definition

Tier 1

Member request regarding the scheduling of their teaching based on a need that the University is responsible for accommodating in accordance with the Human Rights Code, RSO 1990, c H.19.(鈥淗uman Rights Code鈥)

Disability considerations 

  • Members seeking accommodation of scheduling needs based on disability shall contact the University鈥檚 Manager of (鈥淎ccommodation Services鈥), and shall provide a letter from Accommodation Services approving the accommodation to the Head when making the scheduling request.

Other enumerated grounds

The Dean or the Dean鈥檚 delegate shall consider a Member鈥檚 request regarding the scheduling of their teaching based on an enumerated ground in the Human Rights Code other than disability. The Dean or Dean鈥檚 delegate, supported by the Faculty Relations Office, may request additional information from the Member in establishing whether accommodation is required pursuant to the Human Rights Code. The Dean, or Dean鈥檚 delegate, shall provide their decision regarding the Member鈥檚 request directly to the Member (with a copy to the Head in a departmentalized faculty).

Tier 2

Member scheduling request based on research responsibilities or other Academic Responsibilities, or with reference to Article 24, Employment Equity, Queen鈥檚-QUFA Collective Agreement

  • The University will make a reasonable effort to support a Member鈥檚 request regarding scheduling based on the Member鈥檚 research responsibilities or other Academic Responsibilities, or because the Member is a member of an 鈥渆quity-seeking  group鈥( as defined in Section 24 of the Collective Agreement) for whom timetabling poses a barrier.
The Dean or the Dean鈥檚 delegate shall consider a Member鈥檚 request based on membership in an 鈥渆quity-seeking group鈥 for whom timetabling poses a barrier. The Dean or Dean鈥檚 delegate, supported by the Faculty Relations Office, shall provide their decision regarding the Member鈥檚 request directly to the Member (with a copy to the Head in a departmentalized faculty) faculty.

Tier 3

Member scheduling request based on the Member鈥檚 preferences

Note: Members who make a Tier 1 or Tier 2 scheduling request may be required to update their supporting documents, from time to time.

Processes for Tier 1, 2, and 3 Teaching Requests

Last Updated: December 10, 2020

Tier 1 Requests

A. Member seeking requests for accommodation of scheduling needs based on disability

i. The Member contacts University's Manager of Return to Work and Accommodation Services (Accommodation Services)

ii. Accommodation Services will supply a written decision to the Member who will provide it to the academic unit Head

iii. The academic unit Head will inform the unit's Timetable Coordinator within the academic unit to ensure the accommodation request is met and the Coordinator will include the submission in the materials supplied to the OUR during the data collection process

iv. Central Timetabling will ensure the accommodation request is prioritized

v. If Central Timetabling cannot facilitate the accommodation request, the academic unit Head and the Member requesting the accommodation will be contacted to resolve the matter

B. Member request regarding the scheduling of their teaching based on an enumerated ground in the Human Rights code other than disability

i. The Member contacts Dean or Dean's delegate, making a written request.

ii. The Dean or Dean's delegate may consult with the Faculty Relations Office and may request additional information from the member establishing whether accommodation is required pursuant to the Human Rights Code

iii. The Dean or Dean's delegate will provide a written decision to the Member with a copy to the academic unit Head

iv. The academic unit Head will inform the unit's Timetable Coordinator to ensure the request is met and that it is submitted during the data collection process

v. Central Timetabling will ensure the request is prioritized appropriately

vi. If Central Timetabling cannot facilitate the request, the academic unit Head and the Member making the request will be contacted to resolve the matter


Tier 2 Requests

A. Member scheduling requests based on membership in an equity-seeking group (as defined in Article 24, Employment Equity, in the QUFA Collective Agreement).

i. The Member will contact the Dean or Dean's delegate, making a written request

ii. The Dean or Dean's delegate will consider the request and may consult with Faculty Relations Office, if necessary, before making a decision

iii. The Dean or Dean's delegate will provide a written decision to the Member with a copy to the academic unit Head.

iv. The academic unit Head will inform the unit's Timetable Coordinator within academic unit to ensure the request is met and that it is submitted during the data collection process

v. Central Timetabling will ensure the scheduling request is prioritized appropriately

vi. If Central Timetabling cannot facilitate the request, the academic unit Head and the Member making the request will be contacted to resolve the matter

B. Member making scheduling request based on research responsibilities, other Academic Responsibilities

i. The Member will contact the academic unit Head in writing

ii. The academic unit Head will consider the request

iii. In cases where a specific day of the week is requested, the academic unit Head will forward the request to the University Timetable Committee (UTC) for a decision. The UTC will communicate its written decision to the Member with a copy to the Head.

iv. Where no specific day is requested, the academic unit Head will provide a written decision to the Member

v. The academic unit Head will inform the unit's Timetable Coordinator to ensure the request is met and that it is submitted through Data Collection Unit

vi. Central Timetabling will ensure the request is prioritized appropriately

vii. If Central Timetabling cannot facilitate the request, the academic unit Head and the Member making the request will be contacted to resolve the matter


Tier 3 Requests

A. Member making request based on scheduling preferences

i. Collection and reporting of instructor preferences will follow the processes previously in place