Ad Hoc Teaching and Learning Strategic Documents Renewal Subcommittee

 Revised: Queen's Learning Outcomes Framework

I. Background

As recommended by the Principal鈥檚 Implementation Committee on Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (PICRDI), an ad hoc subcommittee, reporting to the Provost鈥檚 Advisory Committee on Teaching and Learning, has been created to revise the Teaching and Learning Action Plan and the Queen鈥檚 Learning Outcomes Framework

The intention of this exercise is to ensure that these two teaching and learning strategic documents explicitly include language that anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion are intrinsic and vital parts of the vision and mission of the institution. Creation of this ad hoc subcommittee also present the opportunity to align revisions with those from Extending the Rafters the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force  which recommends the enhancement and promotion of inclusive learning spaces on campus with respect to indigeneity. 

II. Mandate 

The ad hoc Teaching and Learning Strategic Documents Renewal Subcommittee will be accountable to, report to, and be discharged by the Provost鈥檚 Advisory Committee on Teaching and Learning.

III. Terms of Reference 

The ad hoc Committee for the Review of the Academic Plan shall:

  • Review and revise the Teaching and Learning Action Plan with a focus on explicitly including language indicating that anti-racism, diversity, and inclusion are intrinsic and vital parts of the vision and mission of the institution
  • Where appropriate, suggest metrics for assessing and tracking related progress;
  • Review and revise the Queen鈥檚 University Learning Outcomes Framework with a focus on explicitly addressing issues of racism, equity, social justice, and inclusion;  
  • Provide written and/or oral updates on a regular basis to the Provost鈥檚 Advisory Committee on Teaching and Learning on its activities and progress;
  • Make recommendations to the Provost鈥檚 Advisory Committee on Teaching and Learning that will assure that the Teaching and Learning Action Plan and the Queen鈥檚 University Learning Outcomes Framework are relevant and continue to articulate a broad set of teaching and learning principles, priorities, and recommendations for the University.

  IV. Membership  

Name Title
Lee Airton   Faculty of Education
Sue Fostaty Young Centre for Teaching and Learning
Jan Hill Office of Indigenous Intiatives
Atul Jaiswal Graduate Representative, School of Rehabilitation Therapy 
Julia Gollner  AMS, Academic Affairs Commissioner 
Jill Scott Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning)
Stephanie Simpson  Human Rights Office
Scott Yam  Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering 

The ad hoc committee will be Chaired by the Chair of the Provost's Advisory Committee on Teaching and Learning 

Administrative support provided by the Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)