MOHK courses

Mohawk Stop Sign

Mohawk Language and Culture courses were offered at Queen's for the first time in Fall 2012, because of the Department鈥檚 close relations to the Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre and because Queen鈥檚 sits on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples. Mohawk is an endangered language and the community in Tyendinaga has been working extremely hard to solidify and strengthen the language and create a foundation of speakers. These courses give students rudimentary knowledge of the language and, through an exploration of traditions, philosophies and histories, an understanding of the rich Mohawk culture.

The Department offers two semesters of Mohawk language and culture classes. You can count these towards an LLCU MajorIndigenous Studies Plans, a World Language Studies Minor, a Linguistics Major or Minor, a Certificate in Indigenous Languages and Cultures, or take the courses as electives.

Click  for the current Course Offerings.

Course Title Description
MOHK 101/3.0 Beginning Mohawk Language and Culture I Offers a basic level of understanding, speaking, reading and writing for students with no knowledge of the language.
This course is an introduction to the study of the language and culture of the Kanien鈥檏ehaka, the Mohawk Nation. Participants will be provided an opportunity to not only learn some basic Mohawk language but will also gain an understanding of the richness of the Mohawk culture
MOHK 102/3.0 Beginning Mohawk Language and Culture II Continuation of MOHK 101/3.0: offering a basic level of understanding, speaking, reading and writing in the language. Topics in Kanien鈥檏eha will lead to the basic tools of speaking, reading and writing the Mohawk language. The cultural component of this Mohawk II course will focus on examining the traditional teachings, the formation of the Nation鈥檚 political structures, and its economic environment from the historical to the contemporary.

Courses in Tyendinaga 

Course Title Description
MOHK 103/3.0 Oral Mohawk Language - Beginning I (TMT)  This course is delivered in Tyendinaga and will offer foundational instruction in Kanyen'k茅ha, the language of the Mohawk People. It will build oral language skills for everyday communication and lay the groundwork for continuing study in MOHK 104. It is especially designed for those who have never been exposed to Kanyen'k茅ha as a living language. 
NOTE:  Only offered in Tyendinaga 
MOHK 104/3.0 Beginning Mohawk Language and Culture II Tyendinaga  This course will be delivered in Tyendinaga and will be a continuation of MOHK 103/3.0. It will provide further instruction in Kanyen鈥檏茅ha, the language of the Mohawk People, at the beginning level. This course will allow students to continue developing their language abilities at the beginning level for continuing study in MOHK 201/3.0. 
NOTE:   Only offered in Tyendinaga. PREREQUISITE    MOHK 103/3.0. 
MOHK 201/3.0 Intermediate Mohawk Language and Culture  Students will continue to develop their language skills in Kanyen鈥檏茅ha (the Mohawk language) beyond the basics and be able to interact meaningfully in a greater number of daily activities.
NOTE:  Offered only in the Mohawk Territory of Tyendinaga and open only to students registered in the Certificate of Mohawk Language and Culture.
PREREQUISITE:  MOHK 102/3.0 or MOHK 104/3.0. 
MOHK 202/3.0 Oral Mohawk Language  This course will finalize the transition from reading to writing to hearing and speaking in Kanyen鈥檏茅ha (the Mohawk language). It will also give students the tools necessary to learn and improve their abilities in conversation with first language speakers (either in person, in recordings, or in written materials).
NOTE:  Offered only in the Mohawk Territory of Tyendinaga and open only to students registered in the Certificate of Mohawk Language and Culture.