
Linguistics Banner

The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures offers a Major and a Minor in Linguistics.

Linguistics is the study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, phonology and semantics. Linguistics students explore how a language is structured, how is it acquired, how is it used in the production and comprehension of messages, how does it change over time. They will try to answer questions relating to the nature of language such as what do all languages have in common or how do children learn a language.

Because language accompanies almost all human activities, and is the medium for many of them, Linguistics is a highly interdisciplinary study with connections to Philosophy, Psychology, Computer Science, Cognitive Science or Health Sciences. Knowledge of linguistics is useful in a variety of careers including computer sciences, information and telecommunications, language teaching, speech pathology or audiology, or translation and interpreting, just to name a few.

Find concentration-specific advice on academics, extra-curriculars, networking, international opportunities and career development all in one place. The provides suggestions. Use them to plan ahead, and find your own way through your degree!

And, if you are looking to answer the age-old question of "What can I do with a Linguistics degree?", check out this great resource curated by a popular public linguist (who also happens to be a graduate of our Linguistics Program!): .

Dr. Zaccagnino explains what Linguistics Plans are all about:

Major in Linguistics

Plan consists of 60.0 units. The Plan, alone, or in combination with a Minor in another subject, and with sufficient electives to total 120.0 units, will lead to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree.

For students entering LING Plans May 01, 2020 or after

CORE COURSES (24.0 units)

A. 6.0 units in LING 100/6.0
B. 3.0 units in LING 202/3.0
C. 6.0 units in LING 310/3.0 and LING 320/3.0
D. 6.0 units in LING 330/3.0 and LING 340/3.0
E. 3.0 units in LING 415/3.0

OPTION COURSES (36.0 units)

A. 3.0 units from LING at the 300 level or above
B. 12.0 units from LANG_Languages
C. 9.0 units from LING; LLCU 110/3.0; LLCU 200/3.0; LLCU 201/3.0
D. 12.0 units from LING, LANG_Languages, LING_Maj_Options

Option Courses for Linguistics Major:
CISC 223/3.0; CISC 260/3.0; CISC 360/3.0; CISC 465/3.0; CISC 481/3.0; COGS 201/3.0; COGS 300/3.0; ENGL 206/3.0; FREN 353/3.0; FREN 363/3.0; FREN 373/3.0; FREN 393/3.0; FREN 433/3.0; FREN 463/3.0; FREN 473/3.0; FREN 493/3.0; LLCU 110/3.0; LLCU 200/3.0; LLCU 201/3.0; PHIL 260/3.0; PHIL 359/3.0; PHIL 361/3.0; PHIL 362/3.0; PHIL 459/3.0; PSYC 205/3.0; PSYC 215/3.0; PSYC 221/3.0; PSYC 251/3.0; PSYC 271/3.0; PSYC 305/6.0; PSYC 321/3.0; PSYC 352/3.0; PSYC 353/3.0; PSYC 370/3.0; PSYC 371/3.0; PSYC 452/3.0; PSYC 457/3.0; PSYC 485/3.0; SPAN 410/3.0

LANG_ Languages: ANSH; ARAB; CHIN; FREN; GRMN; GREK; HEBR; INUK; ITLN; JAPN; LATN; LLCU 101/3.0; LLCU 102/3.0; MOHK; PORT 103/3.0; PORT 104/3.0; SPAN 

Please note: Students should note that many of the LING_Maj_Option courses, particularly in CISC, FREN, PHIL, PSYC require prerequisites. Course prerequisites for Option Courses should be taken early in the program (in first and second year).
Additional Requirements: Only one of LING 501/3.0 or LING 505/9.0 may be counted towards this Plan.

For students entering LING Plan before 1 May 2020

Plan consists of 60.0 units. The Plan, alone, or in combination with a Minor in another subject, and with sufficient electives to total 120.0 units, will lead to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree.

CORE COURSES (24.0 units)

A. 6.0 units in LING 100/6.0
B. 3.0 units in LING 202/3.0
C. 6.0 units in LING 310/3.0 and LING 320/3.0
D. 6.0 units in LING 330/3.0 and LING 340/3.0
E. 3.0 units in LING 415/3.0

OPTION COURSES (36.0 units)

A. 3.0 units from LING at the 300 level or above
B. 12.0 units from LANG_Languages
C. 21.0  units from  LING, LANG_Languages, LING_Maj_Options

Option Courses for Linguistics Major:
CISC 223/3.0; CISC 260/3.0; CISC 360/3.0; CISC 465/3.0; CISC 481/3.0; COGS 201/3.0; COGS 300/3.0; ENGL 206/3.0; FREN 353/3.0; FREN 363/3.0; FREN 373/3.0; FREN 393/3.0; FREN 433/3.0; FREN 463/3.0; FREN 473/3.0; FREN 493/3.0; LLCU 110/3.0; LLCU 200/3.0; LLCU 201/3.0; PHIL 260/3.0; PHIL 359/3.0; PHIL 361/3.0; PHIL 362/3.0; PHIL 459/3.0; PSYC 205/3.0; PSYC 215/3.0; PSYC 221/3.0; PSYC 251/3.0; PSYC 271/3.0; PSYC 305/6.0; PSYC 321/3.0; PSYC 352/3.0; PSYC 353/3.0; PSYC 370/3.0; PSYC 371/3.0; PSYC 452/3.0; PSYC 457/3.0; PSYC 485/3.0; SPAN 410/3.0

LANG_ Languages: ANSH; ARAB; CHIN; FREN; GRMN; GREK; HEBR; INUK; ITLN; JAPN; LATN; LLCU 101/3.0; LLCU 102/3.0; MOHK; PORT 103/3.0; PORT 104/3.0; SPAN 

Please note: Students should note that many of the LING_Maj_Option courses, particularly in CISC, FREN, PHIL, PSYC require prerequisites. Course prerequisites for Option Courses should be taken early in the program (in first and second year).
Additional Requirements: Only one of LING 501/3.0 or LING 505/9.0 may be counted towards this Plan.

Minor in Linguistics

Minor consists of 30.0 units. The Plan, with sufficient electives to total 90.0 units, will lead to a Bachelor of Arts Degree.

CORE COURSES (21.0 units):

A. 6.0 units in LING 100/6.0
B. 3.0 units in LING 202/3.0
C. 6.0 units in LING 310/3.0 and LING 320/3.0
D. 6.0 units in LING 330/3.0 and LING 340/3.0

OPTION COURSES (9.0 units)

A. 6.0 units from LANG_Languages
B. 3.0 units from LING 200-499; LANG_Languages, LING_Min_Options

Option courses for Linguistics Minor:
FREN 353/3.0; FREN 363/3.0; FREN 373/3.0; FREN 393/3.0; FREN 433/3.0; FREN 463/3.0; FREN 473/3.0; FREN 493/3.0; LLCU 110/3.0; LLCU 200/3.0; LLCU 201/3.0; PHIL 359/3.0; PSYC 321/3.0; PSYC 353/3.0; PSYC 452/3.0; PSYC 457/3.0; PSYC 485/3.0; SPAN 410/3.0 

LANG_Languages: ANSH; ARAB; CHIN; FREN; GRMN; GREK; HEBR; INUK; ITLN; JAPN; LATN; LLCU 101/3.0; LLCU 102/3.0; MOHK; PORT 103/3.0; PORT 104/3.0; SPAN 

Linguistics is an interdisciplinary science and has connections to many other disciplines in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Students can take a variety of pathways through the Plan, depending on what else they are studying, where their interests lie and where they already have the prerequisites for higher level study.

Note: Many of the option courses mentioned in specific pathways are not offered every year. Be sure to check actual course offerings as you are planning your own degree or contact the Department at 

Here are a few examples of how to complete your Major in Linguistics:

Pathway A: Languages focused

Year 1: LING 100/6.0 and 6.0 units in LANG_Languages
Year 2: LING 310/3.0 and LING 320/3.0; LING 330/3.0, LING 340/3.0, 6.0 units in LANG_Languages; 
Year 3: LING 202/3.0, LING 350/3.0; 9.0 units in LANG_Languages;
Year 4: LING 415/3.0, LING 360/3.0, 9.0 units in LANG_Languages

This pathway works well for students who intend to get an advanced or intermediate competency in a language/s.
Please note: You may not double-count the LANG_languages toward a Minor in a Language or World Language Studies.

Pathway B: Psychology focused

Year 1: LING 100/6.0 and 6.0 units in LANG_Languages
           Recommended: PSYC 100/6.0 as prerequisite
Year 2: LING 310/3.0; LING 320/3.0; LING 330/3.0; LING 340/3.0 PSYC 205/3.0; PSYC 215/3.0
Year 3: LING 202/3.0;; PSYC 251/3.0; PSYC 271/3.0;  PSYC 221/3.0; 3.0 units in LANG_Languages
Year 4: LING 415/3.0; LING 360/3.0; PSYC 321/3.0; PSYC 452/3.0;  3.0 units in LANG_languages

This pathway will work well for students interested to learn how Psychology as a discipline relates to linguistics theories and practices. Students who want to pursue Speech Pathology may be required to complete some of the PSYC courses mentioned above.
Please note: You may not double-count PSYC_courses toward a Minor in Psychology.

Pathway C: Philosophy focused

Year 1: LING 100/6.0 and 6.0 units in LANG_Languages
           Recommended: PHIL 111/6.0 and COGS 100/3.0 as a prerequisite
Year 2: ; LING 310/3.0 and LING 320/3.0;LING 330/3.0, LING 340/3.0, 3.0 units in LANG_Languages;
           Recommended: PHIL 250/6.0 as a prerequisite
Year 3: LING 202/3.0, LING 350/3.0; PHIL 359/3.0; PHIL 361/3.0; COGS 201/3.0; 3.0 units in LANG_Languages;
Year 4: LING 415/3.0; LING 350/3.0; PHIL 362/3.0; PHIL 459/3.0; LLCU 200/3.0 

This pathway will work well for students interested in the contribution of Philosophy as a discipline to Linguistics theories and practices. 
Please note: You may not double-count PHIL courses toward a Minor in Philosophy.