Simulation-based EL Faculty Toolkit

Are you a faculty member interested in integrating simulation-based experiential learning into your course? The Simulation-based Experiential Learning Faculty Toolkit a resource specific to designing and implementing simulation-based learning opportunities for Queen鈥檚 students. It provides tools, templates, and resources to that will help you design and run successful simulation-based activities as experiential learning in a high-impact and time-effective manner. You can download the Toolkit (pdf, 709 kB). 

If you are developing a new simulation-based EL activity or thinking about making changes to an existing simulation-based EL activity, in addition to using this toolkit, you can also work directly with staff at the EL Hub. Through the consultation process, we will:

  • help you effectively use this toolkit and other resources to support you in designing and implementing your simulation-based learning activity;
  • connect you with other instructors (as relevant) to facilitate sharing of knowledge across faculties to avoid redundancies in program development and administration; and
  • make referrals to risk management experts on campus, if applicable.

To request a consultation, please e-mail us at