I-EDIAA Modules

A campus-wide collaboration developed a set of online modules to support underrepresented individuals in accessing work-integrated learning opportunities.  These modules provide students with knowledge and skills to understand their rights as employees and to assess whether their internships and work placements are inclusive environments. The project was funded by the provincial  (VLS) and the modules are now accessible to all Queen's faculty, staff and students involved in all forms of experiential learning.

In the EDII-WIL Modules - Instructor Guide (Queen's).pdf you'll find links to modules on the following topics:

  • Navigating Disclosure
  • Requesting Accommodation
  • Understanding Your Rights as a Work-integrated Learning Student in the Workplace
  • Microaggressions
  • Conflict Resolution and Challenging Conversations
  • Understanding and Responding to Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence in the Workplace.

Some or all of the modules can be integrated directly into onQ or shared via email links; for more information please review the instructions provided in the Instructor guide.