
Are you creating or expanding Experiential Learning opportunities for Queen’s students? If so, the EL Hub can help you design and implement experiential learning effectively and efficiently.  Through our consultation process we’ll guide you through the curricular and logistical considerations essential for providing safe and engaging learning experiences in a variety of settings.

Core Components of EL Design and Delivery

Curriculum Design

  • Learning outcomes
  • Intentional design
  • I-EDIAA considerations
  • Theory and practice
  • Embedded skill development
  • Pre-departure trianing
  • Guided reflection and critical analysis
  • Debriefing and articulating the experience
  • Assessment and evaluation

Logistical Planning and Risk Management

  • Strategic alignment
  • I-EDIAA considerations
  • Accessbility and accommodation
  • Host organization outreach and partnerships
  • EL agreements
  • Health and safety
  • Employment standards
  • Forms of pay and funding
  • Work permits

The Consultation Process

To request a consultation, please email us at el.hub@queensu.ca

If you are developing new EL or thinking about making changes to an existing EL activity, we recommend that all faculty or staff book a consultation with the EL Hub early in the planning process. Through the consultation process we will:

  • help you effectively use and/or modify the planning tools and EL resources in this toolkit to support the specific form of EL you are designing – saving time and helping you plot out your workplan.
  • connect you with examples and other instructors (as relevant) to facilitate sharing of knowledge across faculties to avoid redundancies in program development and administration.
  • help you identify I-EDIAA considerations relevant to your form of EL and discuss ways to decrease barriers and create more accessible and inclusive forms of EL.
  • make referrals to risk management experts on campus.

Stages and Steps

EL Hub Tools and Resources

Initial Consultation

During the consultation we will:

  • review program/course goals and learning objects
  • use logistical and curriculum planning charts to design an Experiential Learning opportunity that aligns with learning objectives and addresses potential I-EDIAA considerations
  • initiate the risk management process by referring you to centralized EL risk assessment questionnaires that will be filled out by the instructor and reviewed by risk management experts on campus
  • discuss program elements of the EL experience the EL Hub can support through customized workshop delivery
  • schedule follow-up consultations as necessary
  • EL Logistical Planning Chart
  • EL Curriculum Design Chart
  • I-EDIAA Considerations for Planning and Implementing EL
  • EL Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Faculty Approval Process

As you work on your course/program design and submit proposals through your faculty’s approval process, you can:

  • book a follow-up consultation with the EL Hub to discuss any outstanding or new issues/questions that arise
  • inform the EL Hub when your program is approved and any modifications that were requested
  • submit request to EL Hub for customized workshops
  • EL Reflective Rubrics
  • EL Learning Plan
  • Student- Host Supervisor Agreements
  • Sample Performance Evaluation Form


Once your course or program begins, we suggest you:

  • inform the EL Hub of when the course/program will begin
  • follow-up on recommendations from EL risk management experts who reviwed your EL Risk Assessment Questionnaire to ensure all logstical and risk management plans are up to date (e.g. health and safety forms, EL Agreements, OCASP)
  • set up tracking system for host organization requirements / forms
  • book a follow-up consultation with the EL Hub if you have questions about:
    • host organization outreach and partnership development
    • host organization needs/requirements
    • logistical or pedagogical issues that may arise during the EL experience
  • EL Forms and Documentation Tracking Chart
  • Strategies for Guiding Student Reflection

EL Risk Management Partners

while all new EL courses should complete an EL Risk Assessment Questionnaire, if you are facilitating an existing EL course or program and simply need to be advised of updates to existing EL policy and procedure, please contact the following departments directly.

Department of Environmental Health and Safety

Email: ehssa@queenu.ca

  • Off Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP)
  • Worker’s compensation coverage for unpaid student placements
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefits while working outside of Ontario
  • Private workplace insurance for employers not covered by worker’s compensation
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Safety abroad – Queen’s University Emergency Support Program
  • Pre-departure orientation training specific to location of activity
  • Health and safety training requirements

University Secretariat and Legal Counsel

Email: usec.contracts@queensu.ca

  • Contract reviews

Research Contracts Unit, Vice-Principal Research

Email: researchcontracts@queensu.ca

  • Research agreements
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
  • Licensing agreements
  • Data sharing agreements

Insurance and Risk Management

Email: insurance@queensu.ca

  • Contract reviews
  • General insurance requirements
  • Liability waivers
  • Management of risk tolerances
  • Private workplace insurance for employers not covered by worker’s compensation (Non Workers Comp/MCU Coverage)

³ÉÈË´óƬ International Centre

Contact: quic@queensu.ca

  • International student work permits
  • Visa requirements (for travel abroad)

Centre for Teaching and Learning

Email: ctl@queensu.ca

  • Course design
  • Instructional strategies
  • Learning outcomes
  • Assessment strategies
  • Educational technology to support EL