Community & Employer Partners

The Experiential Learning Hub is the place for community and employer partners to get answers to questions, post positions, and navigate the process of engaging with Queen's students.

How We Can Help

  • Learn about the range of experiential learning activities at Queen鈥檚

  • Connect partners with the appropriate program or faculty 

  • Answer questions about internships, course-based projects, and community-driven opportunities

  • Learn about steps an organization should consider when integrating a student or new graduate into their workplace

  • Receive guidance and information about how to post jobs and engage with Queen鈥檚 students through the QUIP, SWEP, Work Study and other EL programs

The Queen鈥檚 Student Advantage

Queen鈥檚 students offer community and employer partners a number of key benefits:

  • Employers who integrate students into their workplace are able to pre-screen and develop connections with potential future hires

  • Students are exposed to the latest developments in their field of study and offer innovative, fresh perspectives on existing challenges

  • By participating in an experiential learning the organization is contributing to the industry鈥檚 workforce talent and shaping what future graduates bring to the labour market

  • Through internships, joint university-organization projects, or other EL activities Queen鈥檚 students provide organizations the opportunity to take on new projects that may not otherwise take place

  • Explore how to in your organization

To review examples of experiential education happening at Queen's please visit the  In Their Own Words section of our website.