Host Your Own Post-Secondary Transition Program

EYES-ON-PSE: Host an Online Post-Secondary Prep Program

EYES-ON-PSE (Equipping Yourself for Educational Success in Ontario's Post-Secondary Education) is a free, online post-secondary prep course designed to help students prepare for what’s ahead at college and university. The overall goal of the EYES-ON-PSE program is to leave students feeling significantly more prepared, informed, and confident as they begin their first semester of post-secondary studies. The course is available in English or in French. 

Individual schools and organizations can use the course and customize it to create a version tailored to their institution and their students.

Starting 2022, customized EYES-ON-PSE courses have been piloted across a number of institutions in Ontario including Confederation College, McMaster University, St. Lawrence College, Trent University Durham GTA, University of Toronto Scarborough, Mohawk College, the Transition Resource Guide, and more. You can learn more about these pilot courses in the report linked at the bottom of this page. 

RARC continues to recruit and work with all colleges, universities, high schools and other organizations who would like to host their own version of this online course at their institution. Partner institutions will receive customizable course files, one-on-one support from the RARC team to adapt the course to their school or organization, as well as support and collaboration with the other participating institutions.

Are you interested in becoming am EYES-ON-PSE partner? If so, please email to arrange a meeting with our team to get more information. 



RARC's version of EYES-ON-PSE is called "TRG Next" and is available for free on the Transition Resource Guide (TRG) website. 



The EYES-ON-PSE course is designed to leave students feeling significantly more prepared, informed, and confident as they begin their first semester of post-secondary studies. Big changes exist between the high school and post-secondary environments that can make the transition difficult for any student. Compared to high school, post-secondary education often has reduced student-teacher ratios, greater academic demands, reduced personal support networks, and greater overall expectations. These and additional changes can often have a greater impact on students with disabilities, as they navigate this transition and a new support network at post-secondary school.

Course Content

EYES-ON-PSE is provided to institutions as a six-module, self-paced course covering topics on what to expect at college and university, and where to find information on what you need to do and when you need to do it. Course files are available in English and French.

  • Module 1: A New Scene
  • Module 2: You and Your Education
  • Module 3: Post-Secondary Learning
  • Module 4: Learning Strategies
  • Module 5: Academic Strategies
  • Module 6: Personal Considerations

If you would like to access EYES-ON-PSE, please email

EYES-ON-PSE was created with funds from the Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) project as part of the provincial government’s eCampus Ontario strategy to provide accessible online resources to students, faculty, parents and staff working and learning in the post-secondary environment.

Pilot Report

Find out more about partnering with RARC to pilot EYES-ON-PSE, and learn about past experiences of schools that have piloted the course.

View Pilot Report