Tutors in Math & Stats

The people listed below have identified themselves as offering private tutoring services. Private tutoring is offered separately from 成人大片; the University does not vet or qualify any of the tutors listed below and makes no representations as to their quality or conduct. As such, Queen鈥檚 University will not be liable in the event of a dispute arising from private tutoring services. Please contact the tutors directly for any further information.

We are only accepting tutor applications from current Graduate Students of the Math & Stats Program.

If you would like to be listed below as a private tutor - Please start by filling out this application form.

Anirban Dutta

E-Mail: 21ad53@queensu.ca
Hourly Rate: $40

University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: MATH 112, MATH 120, MATH 121, MATH 123, MATH 126, MATH 212, MATH 221, MATH 225, MATH 228, MATH 231, MATH 280, MATH 281, MATH 326, MATH 328, MATH 429.

I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students

Languages spoken: English, Hindi, Bengali

Other notes: I am a graduate student in Mathematics. I have the experience of TAship as well. If anyone would like to discuss with me regarding some advanced topics (especially analysis), I will be happy to do so.

Yuwei Ke

E-Mail: 22yk5@queensu.ca
Hourly Rate: $40

University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: STAT 486, STAT 457, STAT 455, STAT362, STAT 456, STAT473

I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students

Languages spoken: Chinese, English

Yangsai Lyu

E-Mail: 21yl36@queensu.ca
Hourly Rate: $45

University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: STAT252, STAT263, STAT351, STAT353, STAT361, STAT362, STAT 455, STAT 456, STAT 457, STAT 462, STAT 463, STAT 473, STAT 486.

I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students

Languages spoken: English, Chinese

Omar Mrani-Zentar

E-Mail: 22omz@queensu.ca
Hourly Rate: $40

University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: MATH 110, 111, 112, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 130. MATH 212, 221, 225, 228, 231, 280, 281. STAT 252, 263, 268. STAT 351, 352.

I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students

Languages spoken: English, French

Ananya Omanwar

E-Mail: a.omanwar@queensu.ca
Hourly Rate: $40

University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: MATH - 110,112, 120, 123, 124,126,130, 231, 281, 328. STAT - 252, 268, 351, 353.

I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students

Languages spoken: English, Hindi

Jerin Tasnim Farin

E-Mail: 21jtf2@queensu.ca
Hourly Rate: $40

University courses/subjects I am willing to tutor: MATH 110, MATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 120, MATH 121, MATH 123, MATH 124, MATH 126, MATH 210, MATH 212, MATH 221, MATH 225, MATH 228, MATH 231, MATH 272, MATH 280, MATH 281, MATH 326, MATH 328, MATH 338, MATH 339, MATH 341, MATH 421, MATH 429, PHYS 104, PHYS 106, PHYS 115, PHYS 116, PHYS 118, PHYS 206, PHYS 212, PHYS 213, PHYS 316, PHYS 317, PHYS 321, STAT 252, STAT 263, STAT 268, STAT 269, STAT 351, STAT 353, CISC 102, CISC 203, ECON 250, ECON 255, KNPE 251, NURS 323, BIOL 243, COMM 162, HSCI 190, GPHY 247, POLS 285, PSYC 202, SOCY 211, STAM 200, MTHE 224, MTHE 227, MTHE 235, MTHE 237, MTHE 437, APSC 111, APSC 112, APSC 182, MECH 221, MECH 228, MECH 229, MECH 241, MECH 328, MECH 341, CHEE 223, CIVL 220, CIVL 222, CIVL 230, CIVL 231, ENPH 225, ENPH 316, ENPH 317, ENPH 321, MREN 241.

I am willing to tutor: High school students, University/College students

Languages spoken: English, Bengali