Explore a few of the research projects some of our graduate faculty are working on here

Fady Alajaji

Information Theory and Communication

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Thomas Barthelm茅

Geometric Topology and Dynamical Systems

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Francesco Cellarosi

Ergodic and Number Theory

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Maria Teresa Chiri

Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations

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Troy Day

Mathematical Biology and Evolutionary Dynamics

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Andrew Lewis

Geometric Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry

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Devon Lin

Design of Experiments and Statistical Learning

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Felicia Magpantay

Mathematical Biology and Differential Equations

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Abdol-Reza Mansouri

Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Stochastic Analysis

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James Mingo

Random Matrix Theory and Combinatorics

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Brad Rodgers

Analytic Number Theory and Random Matrix Theory

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Peter Taylor

Mathematical Education

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Serdar Y眉ksel

Stochastic Control and Information Theory

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Our graduate faculty are looking for talented MSc and PhD students to join their research groups.

For a complete list of our graduate faculty by research area see /mathstat/research