Rabbit Math
Math Quest
Math Quest
Math Quest

RabbitMath Overview

RABBITMATH is a mathematics camp for middle school students interested in math and science who have a curiosity for exploring new ideas. With a focus on problem solving, our hands-on activities are led by a diverse group of graduate students. 

We owe the structure of our curriculum to the pioneering work of Alfred North Whitehead (1920s) who warned that if we failed to pay attention to the stage of Romance our student's learning would come to naught. And to the insights of John Dewey (1030s) who emphasized the significance of the students' "Experience" in their learning. And finally to Seymour Papert (1970's) who wanted his students to be sculptors, working together to perfect their creations.

RABBITMATH camp will run from Tuesday August 6th 2024 at 9 am to Friday August 9th 2024 at 12 pm. 


Registration for 2024 is now open. To Register click


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