Dan Offin

Associate Professor

Office: Jeffery Hall, Rm. 408
Phone: (613) 533-2407
Email: offind@queensu.ca
Research: Dynamical systems, hamiltonian & celestial mechanics, symplectic geometry, variational methods on manifolds

Degrees & Accolades:

Ph.D. (University of Calgary)
M.Sc. (University of British Columbia)
B.Sc. (University of British Columbia)

Research Profile:

My research interests are centered around the questions of stability and instability in conservative dynamical systems. The techniques of studying such systems which are not close to integrable cases are currently undergiong a very active period of development. I have successfully been able to combine a variational method with techniques from symplectic geometry to study periodic solutions in Hamiltonian systems. Recently a highly symmetric periodic orbit in the three body problem has been analyzed using this technique. Other examples include an analysis of parametric resonance in planar time dependant systems.