Mirko Degli Esposti (Universit脿 di Bologna, Italy)


Friday October 21, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am


Jeffery Hall, Room 422

Dynamics, Geometry and Groups Seminar

Friday, October 21st, 2022

Time: 10:00 a.m.  Place: Jeffery Hall, Room 422

Speaker: Mirko Degli Esposti (Universit脿 di Bologna, Italy)

Title: Recurrence times, waiting times and universal entropy production estimators

Abstract: The universal typical-signal estimators of entropy and cross entropy based on the asymptotics of recurrence and waiting times play an important role in information theory. Building on their construction, we introduce and study universal typical-signal estimators of entropy production in the context of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of one-sided shifts over finite alphabets. We will discuss some applications to DNA sequences.