
Used to organize blog posts according to subject.

The Comfort of the Classroom

Sep 28, 2016

Precia Darshan discusses the classroom and the courage needed to ask questions and meet new people.

Welcome to Year Two of the Equity Office Blog!

Sep 13, 2016

Thank you to all of our contributors and readers from 2015-2016. We enjoyed your honesty, unique perspectives and thoughtful engagement.

Academic Growing Pains: Grad School and Motherhood

Mar 21, 2016

n this compelling and honest piece, Sarah discusses her experiences as a woman and mother in academia.

Seeking Diversity and Inclusion in Medical Education

Feb 29, 2016

In our second blog piece for 2016 we hear from Mala Joneja, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine. In her piece, Dr. Joneja explores the significance of promoting diversity in medical education.

Finding the ‘I’ in Identity

Jan 14, 2016

Billie explores the complex concept of identity through both written words and spoken poetry.

Finding Direction: The Importance of a Supportive Community at Work

Nov 16, 2015

Joelle discusses the trials and tribulations associated with building a professional career and how a new employee resource group at Queen’s University has helped to ease this transition.