
Used to organize blog posts according to subject.

Rumpelstiltskin: Spinning Gold from Pandemic Straw

Mar 30, 2022

Dr. Klodiana Kolomitro, Associate Vice-Principal (Teaching and Learning), reflects on the necessary shifts to improve the higher education landscape in the post-pandemic reality.

Together We Are 2021-2022

Jul 26, 2021

How do you envision the post-pandemic world?

EDII and the Changing Academic Mission of Universities—a personal reflection

May 21, 2021

Dr. Fahim Quadir, Dean and Vice-Provost of Graduate Studies and Professor of Global Development Studies, reflects on the crucial role universities have to play in building a more equitable future after COVID-19.

Hope for the New Year

Jan 14, 2021

The first blog post of the year is written by Lavonne Hood, Queen’s University Ombudsperson. In her piece, Lavonne reflects on the impacts of 2020 and shares her hopes for 2021.

Compassion, Acquisition, Respect, Evaluation (CARE)

Apr 07, 2020

Liying Cheng, professor and Director of the Assessment and Evaluation Group (AEG) at the Faculty of Education, talks about how we can re-shape higher education systems in Canada with a more equitable approach.

Speaking Up with Love (and maybe a glass of wine)

Mar 16, 2020

Vanessa McCourt, Academic Advisor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, talks about the importance of having courageous conversations.

How Representation can Fuel Change

Mar 14, 2019

Tianna Edwards, Officer of Direct Response Appeals in the Office of Advancement at Queen’s, talks about the importance of having a diverse staff and student body as the starting point to achieve a genuinely inclusive campus.

Studying the past to dream our future

Jan 23, 2019

History professor Adnan Husain talks about using education to combat stereotypes, and he explains how universities provide us with the opportunity of learning from the past to build a better future.

The Road Less Travelled

Oct 23, 2017

In his piece, Hazem looks introspectively at his own life and the choices he has made over the course of the last 15 years. Discover, how Hazem believes taking the road less travelled, has made all the difference.

Together We Are Equity Office Blog – Year Three!

Oct 02, 2017

Thank you to our bloggers and readers who gave so graciously of their time, creativity and passion. Without your energy and support the blog would not be possible.

Reconciling Two Visions of One World

Nov 15, 2016

Paul beautifully captures through poetry the complexity of seeing and understanding the world through multiple lenses and ways of knowing.

Queen’s – A Home Away

Oct 17, 2016

Theresa looks back on her time at Queen’s and the family she developed throughout her university years.