TAs, Teaching Fellows, and Undergraduate Learners

Synchronous/In-Person Workshops and Webinars

Teaching Development Day (TD Day)

TD Day takes place during Orientation week each Fall and includes workshops on inclusive pedagogy, decolonization, and Indigenization.

TD Day

Educational Development Associates

Custom training and workshops for TAs is available through the CTL鈥檚 Educational Development Associates (graduate student educational developers). Email TA&GradCTL@queensu.ca to arrange a session.

Educational Development Associates

Self-Directed Learning

TA Tooklit bannerTeaching Assistant Toolkit

Principles of inclusive teaching are woven throughout; specific resource guide on Creating Inclusive Classrooms.

people working at a whiteboardDepartmental

Departmental training and workshops are available through the CTL or HREO (e.g. antiracist pedagogies; leading difficult discussions; decolonizing the curriculum).


students watching a presentationLearn, Include, Transform

The HREO and Student Experience Office (SEO) peer-to-peer (student-led) Lead, Include Transform service can offer class presentations specific to your course. Email lit@queensu.ca to schedule a session.

Learn, Include, Transform SEO Website