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*Please note that these awards are administered by the . For more information than what is listed below, please contact them directly. 

Biology Award for Excellence (Demonstrators)

The award is presented to one graduate student acting as a Teacher's Assistant in the lab. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding contributions made by a graduate student in their demonstrating term, both inside and outside the scheduled laboratory period.

This year's recipient is:

2023-2024  Allen Tian

Nature of Award

The award is presented to one graduate student acting as a Teacher's Assistant in the lab. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding contributions made by a graduate student in their demonstrating term, both inside and outside the scheduled laboratory period.

Nomination Criteria

The criteria for the "best T.A." award include:

  1. ability to convey lab material clearly and to provide necessary guidance in the lab
  2. accessibility to students outside of lab period
  3. enthusiasm for teaching

Nomination Procedure

All undergraduate students are informed of this award and are asked to submit nominations of one T.A. to their class reps.

Selection Process

Nominations are reviewed and tallied by the DSC executive. The T.A. with the highest number of nominations is selected for the award.

Presentation of Award

The winner is presented with a certificate and a gift at the Annual Biology Banquet. Their name is also announced in "This Week in Biology" (a weekly publication distributed within the Biology department).

Past Winners

2023 - 2024  Allen Tian
2022 - 2023 Troy Martin
2021 - 2022 Caelan Johnson
2020 - 2021 Not awarded this year
2019 - 2020 Not awarded this year
2018 - 2019 Jesus Varagas
2017 - 2018 Brigitte Simmatis
2016 - 2017 Hilton Chiu
2015 - 2016 Stephanie Kim
2014 - 2015 Not awarded
2013 - 2014 Jason Campbell
2012 - 2013 Jordan Brooks-Gauthier
2012 - 2013 Jordan Brooks-Gauthier
2011 - 2012 Tara Vanderveer
2010 - 2011 Andrew Lowles
2009 - 2010 Mark Conboy
2008 - 2009 Grace Tharmarajah
2007 - 2008 Joanna Yeung
2006 - 2007 Richard Morrow
2005 - 2006 Gary Armstrong
2004 - 2005 Brenda Saunders
2003 - 2004 Gary Armstrong
2002 - 2003 Michael Kim
2001 - 2002 Amy MacDougall
2000 - 2001 Shaun Killen
1999 - 2000 Jeff Dawson
1998 - 1999 Heather Bullock
1997 - 1998 Kirby Duffy
1996 - 1997 Karen Holder
1995 - 1996 Deb Hume
1994 - 1995 Patrick McGinn
1993 - 1994 James Fatheringham
1992 - 1993 Andrew Pirie
1991 - 1992 Kate Duff
1991 - 1992 Barb Zeeb
1990 - 1991 David Kelly
1990 - 1991 Gordon Whitney
1989 - 1990 Stephen Murphy

Biology Departmental Student Council Award for Excellence in Teaching

The award is given by the Biology Departmental Council and is to recognize a professor for their excellence in teaching.

This year's recipient is:

2023-2024  Paul Grogan

Nature of Award

The award is given by the Biology Departmental Council and is to recognize a professor for their excellence in teaching.

Nomination Criteria

The main criterion for the award is the effectiveness of the teaching manner and mechanisms in class. Other criteria include the instructor's enthusiasm for course material, the ability to convey information clearly and approachability (in and out of class).

Nomination Procedure

At the time of evaluations, all undergraduate students are informed of the award and are asked to submit nominations of one professor to their class reps.

Selection Process

Nominations, as well as course evaluations, are examined. The professor with the highest percentage of nominations, supported by positive evaluations, is selected for the award.

Presentation of Award

The winner is presented with a certificate and a gift at the Annual Biology Banquet. Their name is also announced in "This Week in Biology" (a weekly publication distributed within the Biology department). Generally, this professor is also nominated for the "Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching".

Past Winners

2023 - 2024 Paul Grogan
2022 - 2023 Paul Martin
2021 - 2022 Paul Grogan
2020 - 2021 Not awarded this year
2019 - 2020 Not awarded this year
2018 - 2019 Virginia Walker
2018 - 2019 Adam Chippindale
2017 - 2018 Bruce Tufts
2016 - 2017 Virginia Walker
2015 - 2016 William Nelson
2014 - 2015 Vicki L. Friesen
2014 - 2015 Peter T. Boag
2013 - 2014 Christopher Eckert
2012 - 2013 Daniel Lefebvre
2011 - 2012 Paul Grogan
2010 - 2011 Stephen Lougheed
2009 - 2010 Chris Moyes
2008 - 2009 Virginia Walker
2007 - 2008 Stephen Lougheed
2006 - 2007 Christoph Richter
2005 - 2006 Adam Chippindale
2004 - 2005 Wayne Snedden
2003 - 2004 Adam Chippindale
2002 - 2003 Stephen Lougheed
2001 - 2002 Katherine Wynne-Edwards
2000 - 2001 John Smol
1999 - 2000 Katherine Wynne-Edwards
1998 - 1999 Laurene Ratcliffe
1997 - 1998 John Smol
1996 - 1997 Heather Proctor
1995 - 1996 Chris Eckert
1994 - 1995 Ken Ko
1993 - 1994 Katherine Wynne-Edwards
1992 - 1993 Aylward Downe
1991 - 1992 David Layzell

Biology Excellence in Teaching Award (BETA)

The nominee is an individual who motivates students to learn through meaningful and dynamic curricula, through effective traditional pedagogy or novel teaching methods. The nominee should demonstrate a deep knowledge of their field and commitment to the department and university. She or he should have an above average commitment to students, in class or lab and beyond, displaying a real interest in their academic and personal development. The nominee may have shown excellence and commitment to teaching in the previous academic year alone, or may be recognized for valuable long term contributions that seem to be overlooked by existing awards (DSC, Barnes, Alumni), hence it may take a longer view of service to the undergraduate and graduate community in the Department of Biology.

This year's recipient is:

2023 - 2024  Ian Chin-Sang

Nomination Criteria

The nominee is an individual who motivates students to learn through meaningful and dynamic curricula, through effective traditional pedagogy or novel teaching methods. The nominee should demonstrate a deep knowledge of their field and commitment to the department and university. She or he should have an above average commitment to students, in class or lab and beyond, displaying a real interest in their academic and personal development. The nominee may have shown excellence and commitment to teaching in the previous academic year alone, or may be recognized for valuable long term contributions that seem to be overlooked by existing awards (DSC, Barnes,
Alumni), hence it may take a longer view of service to the undergraduate and graduate community in the Department of Biology.


The nominee will be considered for contributions to at least 6.0 units of teaching in the Biology Department, including field courses. She or he must be on faculty with a primary appointment in Biology, or a full time Adjunct member of the department.


By peers of faculty, via self-nomination, or via suggestion of the Undergraduate Studies Committee in Biology. The nominator may suggest what specific contributions the nominee should be recognized for in a brief statement sent by email or post to the Undergraduate Chair ( which will be included with the file.

The nominee should submit:

  • a cover letter of no more than two single-spaced pages describing their contributions to teaching in the department.
  • a list of all courses taught and their role in the course in the last three academic years.
  • a list of courses developed as new preparations or substantially upgraded, with a brief description of the activities undertaken in each course.
  • optionally, the nominee may provide a table summarizing USAT evaluations. Note: the committee would ask that, if USAT evaluations are so summarized, that this cover all courses taught in the last three years, and not just highlights.


The BETA will be judged by a panel consisting of the Head, Associate Head, Undergraduate Chair, and two representatives from the Department Student Council (usually from upper years).

Key Dates and Presentation of the Award

Nominations will be solicited annually for the last business day of February, with application packages due the last business day of March. The award, consisting of a plaque and a cheque for $500 will be presented at the May Staff Meeting.

Past Winners

2023 - 2024  Ian Chin-Sang
2022 - 2023 Jannice Friedman
2021 - 2022 Paul Grogan
2020 - 2021 Jannice Friedman
2019 - 2020 Adam Chippindale
2018 - 2019 Virginia Walker
2017 - 2018 Not Awarded this Year
2016 - 2017 Kenton Ko
2015 - 2016 Not Awarded This Year
2014 - 2015 Barbara Vanderbeld
2013 - 2014 William Nelson
2012 - 2013 Stephen Lougheed
2012 - 2013 Paul Grogan

Biology Innovation in Teaching Award (BITA)

The nominee is an individual who motivates students to learn through innovative curricula and teaching methods. The nominee should demonstrate a deep knowledge of their field and commitment to the department and university. He or she may have developed and implemented new courses, new laboratories or new programmes that add to the diversity and range of learning opportunities for Biology student, or done so through major revisions to existing courses. Innovations may be technical, philosophical, or involve novel extensions of the curriculum via exploration of new fields of study; the term innovation is to be considered broadly, but tangible recent contributions are expected.

This year's recipient is:

2023 - 2024  Susan Yates

Nomination Criteria

The nominee is an individual who motivates students to learn through innovative curricula and teaching methods. The nominee should demonstrate a deep knowledge of their field and commitment to the department and university. He or she may have developed and implemented new courses, new laboratories or new programmes that add to the diversity and range of learning opportunities for Biology student, or done so through major revisions to existing courses. Innovations may be technical, philosophical, or involve novel extensions of the curriculum via exploration of new fields of study; the term innovation is to be considered broadly, but tangible recent contributions are expected.


The nominee will be considered for contributions to teaching in the Biology Department, including field courses, in the last academic year. She or he must be on faculty with a primary appointment in Biology, or a full time Adjunct member of the department.


By peers of faculty, via self-nomination, or via suggestion of the Undergraduate Studies Committee in Biology. The nominator may suggest what specific contributions the nominee should be recognized for in a brief statement sent by email or post to the Undergraduate Chair ( which will be included with the file.

The nominee should then submit:

  • a cover letter of no more than two single-spaced pages explaining what novel contributions were made to teaching innovation in Biology.
  • a list of all courses taught and their role in the course in the last three academic years.
  • a list of courses developed as new preparations or substantially upgraded, with a brief description of the activities undertaken in each course.
  • USAT scores will not be considered in evaluating the BITA, but the nominee may optionally provide selected quotations from the written portion of the USAT that convey how students perceived innovative teaching techniques.


The BITA will be judged by a panel consisting of the Head, Associate Head, Undergraduate Chair, and two representatives from the Department Student Council (usually from upper years).

Key Dates and Presentation of the Award

Nominations will be solicited for the last business day of February, with application packages due the last business day of March. When presented, the award, consisting of a plaque and a cheque for $500, will be presented at the May Staff Meeting.

Past Winners

2023 - 2024 Susan Yates
2022 - 2023 Diane Orihel
2021 - 2022 Not awarded this year
2020 - 2021 Paul Martin
2019 - 2020 Barb Vanderbeld
2018 - 2019 Paul Martin
2017 - 2018 Fran Bonier
2016 - 2017 Paul Grogan
2015 - 2016 Not Awarded This Year
2014 - 2015 Robert Montgomerie
2013 - 2014 Ian Chin-Sang
2012 - 2013 Christopher Eckert
2013 - 2014 Paul Martin
2014 - 2015 Robert Montgomerie