A number of CSDD Fellows attended the annual convention held online from May 4-7, 2022.

The annual World Convention is the largest international and inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, and showcases research on a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict and national identity in regional sections on the Balkans, Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Caucasus, and Turkey/Greece, as well as thematic sections on Nationalism Studies and Migration/Diasporas.

CSDD members of the Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, Minority Mobilization, and Conflict Resolution cluster were in attendance. Research Fellows, Zsuzsa CsergÅ‘ and Allison McCullough and emerging scholars Samantha Twietmeyer and Rida Abu-Rass presented on research panels covering a variety of important topics in Nationalism Studies including Nation-Building in the Shadow of Soviet Legacies, Minority Accommodation and Majority Backlash, Integration and Othering, and Cities and Immigrant Integration.

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