This research cluster focuses on citizenship, including the boundaries of citizenship: who is entitled to be a member? And what kinds of admissions policies and policies designed to facilitate integration is the state entitled to pursue? This research cluster is home to the Multiculturalism Index, initiated by Professors Banting and Kymlicka, which is designed to provide information about multiculturalism policies in a standardized format that aids comparative research and contributes to the understanding of state-minority relations.

Another important aspect of this theme is how boundaries, legal status, and social status intersect to control access to the rights and other benefits associated with constitutional democracy. Our research addresses this in many contexts, but one clear example is migration, and especially the rights and obligations (of sending states, destination states, migrants and existing citizens) in a world where emigration is an increasing fact of life.

Current Projects

The Multiculturalism Policy (MCP) Index

Co-directors: Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka

The Multiculturalism Policy Index is a scholarly research project that monitors the evolution of multiculturalism policies across Western democracies.

Shared Membership Beyond National Identity

Deservingness and Solidarity in Diverse Societies

Principal Investigators: Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka
Co-Investigators:  (UQAM), and  (StFX)

Learn more about the Shared Membership project

Intergroup Relations and the Foundations of Solidarity in Diverse Societies

Principal Investigator:  (UQAM)
Co-Investigators: Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka

Insight Grant from the SSHRC (2014)

Learn more about this project

The Politics of Complex Diversity in Contested Cities

Principal Investigator: 窜蝉耻锄蝉补&苍产蝉辫;颁蝉别谤驳艖
Co-Applicants: Keith Banting and John McGarry
Project Manager: Sam Twietmeyer
Funding: Social Science and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant (5 years)

Cross-listed with the Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, Minority Mobilization, and Conflict Resolution Cluster

View the Website: 

Read more about the Cities project

Past Projects

Principal Investigator: Keith Banting


Funded for one year from the Syrian Refugee Program SSHRC research grant, this project explores the strength and depth of civil society organizations in Toronto, Ontario that have been working to assist the Syrian refugee sponsorship and integration process.

The Immigration, Minorities and Multiculturalism in Democracies Conference was held in Montreal, Canada from October 25-27, 2007. The conference brought together researchers on migration and multiculturalism from across Canada and internationally to present a series of papers addressing concerns ranging from movement and flow of peoples to national and ethnic identity to institutional accommodation and political representation in existing democracies.

You can see the Working Papers Series produced by the conference here: Immigration, Minorities and Multiculturalism in Democracies Conference