
Recent Publications

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2019)
David G. Haglund

This book discusses 鈥渃ulture鈥 and the origins of the Anglo-American special relationship (the AASR). The bitter dispute between ethnic groups in the US from 1914鈥17鈥攁 period of time characterized as the 鈥渃ulture wars鈥濃攍aid the groundwork both for US intervention in the European balance of power in 1917 and for the creation of what would eventually become a lasting Anglo-American alliance. Specifically, the vigorous assault on English 鈥渃ivilization鈥 launched by two large ethnic groups in America (the Irish-Americans and the German-Americans) had the unintended effect of causing America鈥檚 demographic majority at the time (the English-descended Americans) to regard the prospect of an Anglo-American alliance in an entirely new manner. The author contemplates why the Anglo-American 鈥済reat rapprochement鈥 of 1898 failed to generate the desired 鈥淎nglo-Saxon鈥 alliance in Britain, and in so doing features theoretically informed inquiries into debates surrounding both the origins of the war in 1914 and the origins of the American intervention decision nearly three years later. 

(Oxford University Press, 2015)
Margaret Moore

Our world is currently divided into territorial states that resist all attempts to change their borders. But what entitles a state, or the people it represents, to assume monopoly control over a particular piece of the Earth鈥檚 surface?  This book offers normative guidance on many issues facing us today, which involve territory and territorial rights: disputes over resources, boundaries, oceans, unoccupied islands, the frozen Arctic, secessionist conflicts, irredentist conflicts, disputes rooted in historical injustices with regard to land. It explains why territory matters, who has rights over territory, and the scope and limits of those rights.

(Rowman & Littlefield, 2015)
David G. Haglund

Ethnic Diasporas and the Canada-United States Security Community focuses on three diasporas and their impact on North American security relations, the Irish and Germans, which were mainly in the US, and the Muslim diaspora, which is based in both countries. The book begins by examining the evolution of North America from a zone of war to a zone of peace (i.e., a security community), starting with the debate over the nature and meaning of the Canada-US border. It then assesses the role of ethnic diasporas in North American security, looking as to whether ethnic interest groups have been gaining influence over the shaping of the US foreign policy. This debate is also valid in Canada, especially given the practice of federal political parties of catering to blocs of ethnic voters.

(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011)
Oded Haklai

Arabs make up approximately 20 percent of the population within Israel's borders. Until the 1970s, Arab citizens of Israel were a mostly acquiescent group, but in recent decades political activism has increased dramatically among members of this minority. Certain activists within this population claim that they are a national and indigenous minority dispossessed by more recent settlers from Europe. Ethnically based political organizations inside Israel are making nationalist demands and challenging the Jewish foundations of the state. Palestinian Ethnonationalism in Israel investigates the rise of this new movement, which has important implications for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a whole.

(Cornell University Press, 2007)
Zsuza Csergo

How can democratization, coupled with transnational integration, resolve conflicts over cultural difference in places that are marked by legacies of nationalist competition? This book explores that question through a comparative study of contestations over language use in the heart of the post-Communist region. Zsuzsa Csergo notes that newly independent governments looked to "rejoin" the West, in particular the European Union, while at the same time asserting control over the institutions they considered key to the reproduction of national cultures. These national projects resulted in renewed salience for minority language rights and a complicated politics triggering EU concerns about the treatment of regional/cultural minorities. 

(Oxford University Press, 2007)
Will Kymlicka

Written by the world's leading liberal multiculturalist whose work has defined debates in the area, Kymlicka offers a lucid and thought-provoking account of the likely future of the international politics of diversity through an inter-disciplinary account, drawing on the fields of normative political theory, social studies, law, and philosophy, accessible to academics and practitioners alike.

(Oxford University Press, 2013)
Joseph H. Carens

Combines timely discussion of a hot-button issue with broader ethical considerations around justice and equality

Ladychenko, Tityana, Tamara Bakka, Lyubov Margolina, Valerii Dubrovskii, Oleksandr Zheliba, Sergiy Klepko and Oleksandr Narovlianskii. (2010). Methods of Teaching the School Discipline Civic Education: Fundamentals of Democracy,  Kharkiv: Osnova Publishing Group.

Kolodii, Antonina and Vitaliy Zablotskii, Viktor Stepanenko and George Perlin. (2009). Fundamentals of Democracy, THIRD REVISED EDITION, Lviv: Astrolabia. 

Kolodii, Antonina and Viktor Andrushchenko, Volodymyr Volovych, Andriy Gorbachyk, George Perlin, and Sergei Riabov. (2005). Fundamentals of Democracy, SECOND EDITION, Kyiv, V.I. Press.

Tyaglo, Olksandr and Valentin Chub, Piotr Tsymbal, and Marina Stepavalenko. (2005). The Protection of Human Rights by Law Enforcement Personnel, Kyiv.

Sancton, Andrew. (2003). Systems of Urban Government.

Leduc, Lawrence. (2002). Participatory Democracy: Referendums in Theory and Practice

Young, Lisa. (2002). Regulating Political Finance in Liberal Democratic Societies.  Kiev: Osnovy Press.

Kolodii, Antonina and Viktor Andrushchenko, Volodymyr Volovych, Andriy Gorbachyk, George Perlin, and Sergei Riabov. (2002). Fundamentals of Democracy, FIRST EDITION, Kyiv, V.I. Press.

Smith, Jennifer. (2001). The Role of the Legislature in Liberal-Democratic Societies. Kiev: Osnovy Press.

Cross, K. and R. Hackett. (2000). Political Communication and the News Media in Democracies: Competing Perspectives. Kyiv: Osnovy Press.