
Rights, constitutions, and democracy are the bedrock of free and equal societies, and while all of the Centre’s research and public engagement addresses these fundamentals in some way, we reject a ‘one-size-fits-all’ model. CSDD Fellows are concerned with individual and group-differentiated human rights; constitutional, institutional, and policy design in diverse and divided states; and fair representation in political decision-making that prevents the domination of minorities across a variety of democratic and non-democratic conditions.

In an effort to emphasize the many different variables concerning questions of democracies and diverse populations, the CSDD facilitates research across six key themes:  1. Democratic Institutions and Diversity; 2. Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, Minority Mobilization and Conflict Resolution; 3. Gender, Race, and Intersectionality; 4. Multiculturalism, Integration, Migration and Citizenship; 5. Land Rights, Indigeneity and Territorial Claims; and 6. International Politics, Democracies and Democratization.

Explore the six research clusters and our Research Fellows and Projects through the links below.


Democratic Institutions and Diversity

This research cluster focuses on diversity in political parties, legal institutions, how different kinds of voting arrangements and institutional structures impact diverse and marginalized communities, and ways to integrate (and marginalize) such groups. With stellar researchers focused on the legal system, power-sharing theory, and how political parties incorporate diverse groups, this research cluster offers unparalleled expertise in thinking through the relationship between governance institutions in diverse societies.

Democratic Institutions and Diversity Cluster

Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, Minority Mobilization and Conflict Resolution

Research shows that most violent conflicts in the world are intra-state conflicts along ascriptive identity lines in deeply divided societies. This research cluster explores questions relating to causes of, and conduct during, ethno-nationalist conflict—both violent and non-violent—and possible strategies for its regulation and management.

View Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, Minority Mobilization and Conflict Resolution Cluster

Gender, Race, and Intersectionality

Recent work has drawn attention to the ways in which people are impacted by multiple identities and the ways in which the intersection of difference can contribute to unique injustices, and affect the ways in which people are marginalized. This cluster explores this phenomenon in the international domain, where gender and ethnicity intersect, as well as many more dimensions of intersectionality both empirically and philosophically, across a wide variety of circumstances.

View Gender, Race, and Intersectionality Cluster

Multiculturalism, Integration, Migration and Citizenship

This research cluster focuses on citizenship, including the boundaries of citizenship: who is entitled to be a member? And what kinds of admissions policies and policies designed to facilitate integration is the state entitled to pursue? Another important aspect of this theme is how boundaries, legal status, and social status intersect to control access to the rights and other benefits associated with constitutional democracy. Particularly pertaining to migration in a world where emigration is an increasing fact of life.

View Multiculturalism, Integration, Migration and Citizenship Cluster

Land Rights, Indigeneity and Territorial Claims

Territorial conflicts and land conflicts are rife and there are many questions about how these can be resolved and what kinds of claims might be legitimate. Of special interest in this context are the claims of Indigenous peoples, who make claims over land that is also part of the territory of the state, either because the land was unceded or because there is a treaty in place. Researchers in this cluster are focused on place-related rights and the specific issues (over resources, over jurisdictional control, the drawing of boundaries) which are raised by land claims specifically.

View Land Rights, Indigeneity and Territorial Claims Cluster

International Politics, Democracy and Democratization

The research cluster on ethno-national conflict was focused on conflicts within the state. However, democratic backsliding, democratization and challenges to democracy and oppression of diversity can have important international dimensions. This research cluster focuses on the international context, and the interplay between international power structure and diversity within and between states.

View International Politics, Democracy and Democratization Cluster